Formative feedback generation in a VR-based dental surgical skill training simulator


Fine motor skill is indispensable for a dentist. As in many other medical fields of study, the traditional surgical master-apprentice model is widely adopted in dental education. Recently, virtual reality (VR) simulators have been employed as supplementary components to the traditional skill-training curriculum, and numerous dental VR systems have been developed academically and commercially. However, the full promise of such systems has yet to be realized due to the lack of sufficient support for formative feedback. Without such a mechanism, evaluation still demands dedicated time of experts in scarce supply. To fill the gap of formative assessment using VR simulators in skill training in dentistry, we present a framework to objectively assess the surgical skill and generate formative feedback automatically. VR simulators enable collecting detailed data on relevant metrics throughout a procedure. Our approach to formative feedback is to correlate procedure metrics with the procedure outcome to identify the portions of a procedure that need to be improved. Specifically, for the errors in the outcome, the responsible portions of the procedure are identified by using the location of the error. Tutoring formative feedback is provided using the video modality. The effectiveness of the feedback system is evaluated with dental students using randomized controlled trials. The findings show the feedback mechanisms to be effective and to have the potential to be used as valuable supplemental training resources.

Keywords: Virtual reality, Dental skill training simulator, Formative feedback, Objective feedback, Video-based feedback.


Surgical skill training has been traditionally based on the Halstedian apprenticeship model whereby the surgical trainee performs a task with guidance and close supervision from an expert surgeon [18], [58]. But several factors, including patient safety concerns, shortened training programs, limitations on available operating room time, and desire for standardization have strained this model [36]. In Dentistry, increasing enrollments and a shortage of experienced instructors, have resulted in high student-to-tutor ratios [61], which in turn means that students often do not receive as much supervised training as would be desirable and can end up with unsupervised practice during training. Even when an assessment is carried out, it is by nature subjective, lacking sufficient standardization [39], [51]. As a result, the past two decades have seen an increase in the use of simulation-based training [33] to provide trainees with increased training time and the skills needed to perform complex operations before practicing them on live patients. Recent years have seen the proliferation of VR-based dental simulators due to enabling technological advancements, combined with concrete benefits of the approach [16], [24], [34], [55]; Dangxiao [57]. VR simulators offer high-fidelity simulations that are reusable and can be configured to provide trainees practice on a variety of different cases [5]. They also have the ability to record accurate data on individual performance, which provides the opportunity for trainees to practice independently and receive objective feedback [42]. While many existing VR surgical simulators provide feedback, the feedback typically concerns the outcome and/or procedural kinematic parameters, with no linkage between them. While such feedback can explain the differences between student and expert performance and/or the distance to the ideal performance, it lacks the essential causal information about actions and their desirable or undesirable effects. This type of feedback is known to be essential in effective training of psychomotor skills [26], [47].

In this paper, we present a formative feedback system which objectively assesses surgical skill and generates feedback in a VR dental simulator. The feedback prototype was developed for the access opening procedure of endodontic root canal treatment. Endodontics is one of the most challenging areas of dental surgery and it can be associated with unwanted or unforeseen procedural errors [50]. A variety of procedural errors could contribute to reported failure rates as high as 32.8% [64]. Alhekeir and colleagues [2] with a self-report design showed 68% error rate by senior students. In terms of quality, less than 50% of root filling is found to have acceptable quality [28], [43]. A suboptimal standard of root canal in undergraduate training could translate into poor quality of treatment outcome and inferior standards care in providing the treatment to the actual patients [12]. Inadequately treated teeth commonly feature iatrogenic errors such as ledges, perforations, and apical transportation [28], [43]. Perforations in endodontics can occur during access cavity preparation and mechanical instrumentation of the root canals [14]. The healing rate in teeth with perforations was 30% lower than in teeth without perforation [7]. Whilst the majority of evidence has focused on repairing perforations using various materials [35], the evidence on prevention and training is limited [50]. Although the gap has long been noticed, the issues are not fully addressed anywhere. The first step towards increasing the level of patient safety in endodontic treatment is for all clinicians to acquire knowledge and skills in the early stage of training. Such skills are best learned with deliberate practice with sufficient objective formative feedback. Using a VR dental skill training simulator, we generated formative feedback by correlating the information concerning errors and the portions of the procedure responsible for them and then communicating the information using an augmented playback modality. The tutoring feedback enables students to learn to associate their actions with the resulting performance.

2. Methodology

We focused on the automatic generation of feedback for surgical skill training in a dental VR simulator. While we are interested in developing general techniques, a specific domain is required to demonstrate and evaluate the approach in a rigorous way. While many details of the system are specific to the chosen dental surgical procedure, fundamental elements of the framework generalize to other surgical domains.

2.1. Simulator and domain

We employed the VR dental simulator developed by Rhienmora et al. [41]. The simulator operates on a standard PC connected to two GeoMagic Touch haptic devices [1] which control the dental handpiece and dental mirror (Fig. 1). A monitor is placed at eye level, and the haptic device is positioned at the elbow level directly in front of the participant. A virtual high-speed handpiece with a tapered bur of diameter 1 mm and length 6 mm is employed. The tooth model is acquired using three-dimensional micro-CT (RmCT, Rigaku Co., Tokyo, Japan). In the simulator, the mandibular right molar tooth is stored in the form of a three-dimensional grid of voxels representing the density of the structure at each point using a value between 0 and 255, with 0 representing an empty voxel. When the bur collides with the tooth, the force transmitted through the haptic device is a function of the density values of the colliding tooth voxels, with higher density values producing larger counterforces. The operator receives different force feedback depending on the density value of the tissue while cutting the tooth. A study of the construct validity of the simulator showed the haptic force feedback to the operator to be similar to working in the real situation [49] and a second study demonstrated the transferability of learned skills [50].

We selected the access cavity preparation phase of the root canal treatment procedure on the mandibular right molar (Vertucci’s type VIII root canal configuration [54] to demonstrate and evaluate our approach. This procedure was chosen because it exclusively involves drilling, which is supported by the simulator, and because fine motor skill is essential to achieve an optimal outcome. In this phase, the endodontist drills a small access hole through the surface of the tooth crown to gain access to the pulp chamber and root canals for treatment. The ideal shape of the opening is a function of the tooth shape, tooth size, and the number and location of the root canals. The number and location of the root canals can differ in the same tooth across different patients. The ideal result of access opening preparation is to create an unobstructed passageway to the pulp space and the apical portion of the root canals (Fig. 2, red-colored outline) without needlessly removing excess tissue.

During data collection, data was gathered on elapsed time and kinematic variables concerning

  • the position of the handpiece in x, y, and z-axes,1
  • the angulation of the handpiece with respect to x, y, and z-axes,
  • drilling enabled/not enabled,
  • the position of the mirror in x, y, and z-axes,
  • the angulation of the mirror with respect to x, y, and z-axes,
  • the force applied on the handpiece in x, y, and z-axes.

Variables were collected from the beginning of the procedure until the end in the kinematic procedure log.

Access preparation consists of three distinct stages (Fig. 3):

  • Stage 1, initial drilling to shape the outline;
  • Stage 2, extending the opening to the distal canal orifice;
  • Stage 3, extending the opening to all the remaining canal orifices.

We approached feedback generation as a credit assignment problem [31], which is the problem of assigning credit or blame for outcomes of a procedure to specific actions in that procedure. Our approach makes use of the spatial information of errors to obtain the associated temporal information of actions. The approach is robust and applicable to the tasks involving both hard and soft tissue simulation. We evaluate the effectiveness of the feedback system using randomized controlled trials with dental students. We measure the learning gains between three groups of participants: a group trained without using a training simulator, a group trained with the simulator without the feedback system, and a group trained with the simulator with the feedback system.

3. Formative feedback system

As shown in Fig. 4, our approach to formative feedback begins with an assessment of the procedure outcome to identify the location, the type, and the severity of errors. To determine the portions of the procedure responsible for errors, the way the procedure carried out by the student is assessed. In the subsequent step, the relation between procedure and outcome is used to provide feedback in the following step.

The major components of the feedback system are (i) Automated outcome scoring system to assess the outcome, (ii) Correlator to carry out the assessment of the procedure and perform the correlation between procedure and outcome, and (iii) Feedback generator to provide formative feedback.

3.1. Automated outcome scoring system

The automated outcome scoring system evaluates and assigns scores to the outcome to identify the types and locations of errors in the outcome. We use a general scoring algorithm [63] for outcome evaluation in dental procedures. The score cube-based outcome scoring approach starts by creating three virtual templates to define the maximum, optimal, and minimum acceptable drilling regions. The virtual templates are applied to the score cube volume where each voxel is assigned a score given by its proximity with the templates. The voxel scores are weighted based on their relative importance in defining the severity of the errors. The student’s drilling area is then extracted, and the weighted scores are obtained by mapping the drilled area onto the score cube. The scores are computed for four axial walls: Distal, Mesial, Lingual and Buccal walls, and the pulp floor (Fig. 5).

The overall outcome score is computed as the average of axial walls and the pulp floor scores. Also, an error log detailing the types of errors, and the locations of the errors in the outcome are available from the outcome scoring system. Since providing feedback at the lowest voxel level is not useful, the voxel level error information from the automated outcome scoring system is grouped into regions of under- and over-cutting. Based on discussions with an expert and through experiments, the clusters consisting of less than 50 voxels are considered as minor errors which do not contribute to the performance and are discarded from further analysis.

3.2. Correlator

The formative feedback in our study addresses three aspects of errors: the type (what), the location (where), and the time they were committed (when). In practice, several mishaps or errors can arise during the access opening stage of root canal treatment, including unidentified root canals, damage to existing restoration, under-/over-extension, perforations, and crown fractures [21]. We limit our focus to the three most common types of errors:


  • Undercut: when the dentist drills a hole with a small diameter, the roots remain inaccessible
  • Overcut: when the dentist removes more tooth mass than necessary
  • Perforation: when the dentist accidentally drills a hole through the surface of the tooth.

Once the errors in the outcome are localized, the next step is to identify the actions in the procedure responsible for each error. However, there could be more than one underlying cause (action) that contributed to each error in the outcome. To provide formative feedback, it is necessary to understand the underlying actions that could lead to errors. For each operative error, we determine the possible causes as follows.

  • Overcut error

As shown in Fig. 6, the overcut case occurs when the student’s drilling reaches the area beyond the maximum area defined by the templates Fig. 6 (a). In the resulting outcome, the overcut regions will be recognized as an overcut error (the filled area in Fig. 6 (b). Although the filled area is labeled as an error, the actions taken in that region could not be immediately labeled as wrong actions because the following conditions could lead to overcut errors (Fig. 6(a–d)).

  • An improper amount of force was exerted on the instrument.
  • The instrument had an incorrect orientation.
  • The right amount of force was applied, but the student did not recognize the area to stop drilling and repeatedly drilled in the same region.
  • Repeated drilling in the same neighborhood eventually leads to an overcut error in that area.
  • Undercut error

In contrast to overcut, undercut cases occur when the student did not clear the internal tooth anatomy entirely as required. The undercut regions can be determined by the optimal template as shown in Fig. 7 (a). As shown in Fig. 7 (a-c), the undercut errors can be caused by


  • An improper amount of force was exerted on the instrument.
  • The instrument has an incorrect orientation.
  • An insufficient number of passes at the student’s drilled area prevented him from reaching the optimal drill area.
  • Perforation error

The perforation case occurs when the student’s drilling reaches beyond the maximum template, and the instrument punches through one of the tooth walls, resulting in an irreversible hole in the wall as shown in Fig. 8 (a–d). The causes of perforation errors are the same as for overcut errors.

Overcut errors occur from over drilling of the tooth (excessive drill actions), while undercut errors occur at the area of the tooth where the trainee did not drill as required (omitted drill actions). Consequently, drill actions associated with undercut errors cannot be identified in a straightforward manner. Therefore, we identify the nearest drilled regions of the undercut errors and perform the analysis on the drilling actions of the procedure in those regions to assign the blame for the undercut error.

For some errors, the responsible portions of the procedure can be identified based on the information obtained by correlating the outcome and the procedure. On the other hand, some errors caused by a consequence of more holistic characteristics of the procedure such as the incorrect tool angulation throughout one stage due to incorrect finger positions and misunderstanding of the sequence of stages, are more challenging to identify and are not addressed in this current formative feedback system design.

3.3. Procedure and outcome correlation

The correlator needs to identify when and how each error was made during procedure execution for each error diagnosed in the outcome. To determine when the error occurred, the spatial locations of error voxels in the outcome are mapped to the collided voxel log to identify the portion(s) of the procedure responsible for each error. Similar to the kinematic procedure log, the collided voxels are recorded every 1000 ms while the procedure is performed in the simulator. The log contains the timestamps and the locations of voxels with which the instrument collided during the procedure.

Actions over multiple parts of a procedure may be responsible for a single error. Some error regions may also spread across more than one wall, and a single wall may contain more than one error. To map the errors with the portions of the procedure, the correlator must obtain the timestamps at which the error voxels are drilled. Using the log of collided voxels over time, the temporal information of each voxel is gathered, and the portions of the procedure associated with the errors are identified as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 10 shows an example of mapping between the error voxels from error information from outcome scoring and the collided voxel log.

For the overcut and the perforation error cluster types, the error-related timestamps are directly obtainable using the error voxels since the errors are caused by the drilling actions. For the undercut error clusters, the mapping cannot be done straightforwardly due to the absence of collided voxels. Therefore, for each undercut cluster, the correlator first looks up the nearest drilled area. From the voxels of the nearest drilled area, the timestamps from the collided voxel log are gathered for mapping. The large size of the log files can cause the mapping process to take significant time. To reduce the run time, in error clusters with more than 100 voxels (determined through experiments), error voxels of the same clusters are sampled by taking every fifteenth voxel (determined through experiments). The worst-case scenario in mapping occurs when the error voxels are drilled out in different portions of the procedure. However, since the drilling can be performed in one direction from the top occlusal surface towards the pulp floor only, this issue is solved by indexing error voxels.

After mapping the error information with the procedure, the identified portions of the procedure are extracted to analyze the applied force, and the orientation on the instrument. In the absence of a standard amount of force and orientation, the challenge comes in determining whether the applied force and the tool orientation are correct. To get the baseline data, we had an expert perform the procedure three times. For each stage of the procedure, the average of applied force, and the mean orientation of the instrument were collected. The correlator compares force and tool orientation with the expert data for each stage.

The mapping information on each error cluster: the types of errors, their locations on the outcome, the timestamps during the procedure, the differences in applied force, and the orientation of the instrument relative to the expert in x-, y-, z-axes are combined and sent to the feedback generator component. The pseudo-code of the correlator component is shown in Fig. 11.

4. Feedback generator

The correlator component provides information on types and locations of errors in the outcome, and portions of the procedure identified as causes responsible for them. Another challenge is to decide how to effectively convey this information as tutoring feedback. The errors of different types are located in the different regions of the outcome, and the portions of the procedure, which are identified as the origins of the errors, are temporally distributed across the procedure. We hypothesize that video could be an appropriate modality to convey the feedback as it allows the student to easily navigate through the procedure for review and the task-relevant visual aspects of internal anatomy, the errors in space and time can be conveyed through it. Hence, the video-based formative feedback generator was implemented as a modality to provide feedback using the dental VR skill-training simulator.

4. 4.1. Video-based formative feedback generator

The feedback information is provided by replaying the procedure in the simulator while highlighting the error areas within the tooth volume at the identified point of time associated with the incorrect actions determined from the correlator component. The video playback interface consists of four main components: a video control panel, a mode control panel, the simulation panel, and a viewing aspect control panel (Fig. 12).

4.1.1. Video control and mode control panel

The video control panel offers access to several standard buttons including Play, Stop, Skip Forward, and Skip Backward. The Play button toggles into Pause while the video is being played. The Skip Forward and Backward buttons are used to skip to the next/previous error in the video or the beginning of the nearest stage, whichever comes first. They allow the user to quickly and efficiently jump to the point of the error or stage. Fast-forwarding through portions of a procedure that may not contribute to the overall assessment reduces the time needed to complete the playback. Instructors as well can benefit from this feature, which can be used as a supplement in the assessment.

As the video is being played, a video progress bar is highlighted with red, blue, and yellow to denote the overcut, undercut, and perforation errors, respectively (Fig. 13). The color-coded error regions enable users to quickly focus on those portions of the procedure where errors were committed. Two vertical Stage Border bars appear on the progress bar to represent the three stages of the access opening procedure. They serve as reference points to indicate the current stage being played, the time spent in each stage, and the time and the type of errors that occurred in each stage.

The simulation panel (Fig. 14) hosts the video replay of the procedure consisting of the tooth, the handpiece, and the mirror. In the default video replay mode, the original opaque tooth is displayed; however, for a better understanding of feedback, the students can switch to the transparent mode during the playback. In the transparent mode, the error voxels are highlighted according to the type of errors (w.r.t progress bar) as they are being drilled.

The Mode control panel allows the user to switch between three modes: Train, Feedback, and Replay. In the Feedback mode, kinematic comparison graphs (concerning the force applied to the tooth (along x, y, z-axis), the orientation of the driller (along x, y, z-axis) between the trainee and the expert during the video playback. In the Replay mode, the system allows the user to view his/her performance in comparison with video playback of the expert performance (Fig. 15). The teeth in both windows are displayed in the transparent mode to allow the student to view the changes in the tooth internally as it is being drilled.

4.1.2. Viewing aspect control panel

Dentists commonly use axial walls to communicate and therefore, perspectives from the four axial walls (Mesial, Lingual, Distal, and Buccal) are provided to the user. Upon selection, the camera will be rotated to the selected wall, and the user can view how the tooth is being drilled from the selected wall (Fig. 16). Users can also rotate the viewing angle step by step by tilting the walls and turning left/right. As shown in Fig. 17, six- rotation buttons are Buccal Tilt, Lingual Tilt, Mesial Tilt, Distal Tilt, Left and Right. The zoom in/out functions allow the user to have a closer look at what is happening while the tooth is being drilled (Fig. 17).

In the default view, the tooth is positioned with the Buccal wall facing towards the user. As the tooth is being drilled, the Lingual and Mesial walls may be partially blocked from view by the drill and mirror. Therefore, functions are provided to remove the handpiece and the mirror from the playback scene.

5. Evaluationl

We aim to evaluate two main hypotheses:

  • Hypothesis I: Skill training using the simulator with video-based formative feedback is more effective than training using the simulator without feedback.
  • Hypothesis II: Skill training using the simulator with video-based formative feedback is more effective than the traditional training approach.

To evaluate these hypotheses, a pre-test/post-test control group design is used with three groups:

  • Experimental group I (G1): The participants in this group are trained with the VR simulator without feedback.
  • Experimental group II (G2): The participants in this group are trained with the VR simulator with the video-based formative feedback and the overall outcome score obtained from the outcome scoring system.
  • Control group (G3): The participants in this group are trained without the VR simulator in the traditional laboratory setting.

To test Hypothesis I, the learning gain of the training is defined as the difference between the pre-and post-test scores. Hypothesis I is confirmed if the student group trained with the simulator with video-based formative feedback achieves higher learning gain than that of a control group consisting of students trained with the simulator without feedback. The null and alternative hypotheses are:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): There will be no significant difference in learning gains between the participant group trained using the simulator with the video-based formative feedback system (G2) and the participant group trained using the simulator without feedback (G1).
  • Alternative Hypothesis (HA): The learning gains of the participant group trained using the simulator with a video-based formative feedback system (G2) will be greater than that of the participant group trained using the simulator without feedback (G1).

Regarding Hypothesis II, to confirm that the two training methods are equally effective, we compared whether the learning gains of the participant group trained with the simulator with feedback are equivalent to outcome scores of the participant group trained in the traditional laboratory setting. The null and alternative hypotheses are:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): There will be no significant difference in learning gains between the participant group trained using the simulator with the video-based formative feedback system (G2) and the participant group trained in the traditional laboratory setting (G3).
  • Alternative Hypothesis (HA): The learning gains of the participant group trained using the simulator with the video-based formative feedback system (G2) will be greater than that of the participant group trained in the traditional laboratory setting (G3).

Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Boards of Mahidol University and Thammasat University. We recruited thirty dental students at Thammasat University School of Dentistry, Thailand. The inclusion criteria include the students who were in the fifth year at the dental school and have no prior experience with haptic VR simulation. They were not admitted to the study if any of the following criteria were present: left-hand dominant individual; had prior experience with the simulation; or received below 70 percent marks in knowledge assessment of the endodontic access opening. No participant dropped out of the study. The flowchart of participants through the trials is shown in Fig. 18. At the end of the experiment, the authors have optional informal interviews with the participants.

6. Experimental setup

After consenting to participate in the experiment, each student was provided with a plastic typodont mandibular left molar and asked to prepare the access opening for the root canal treatment. The artificial plastic teeth are designed for endodontic training with simulated anatomical pulp cavity and canals and have an x-ray imaging ability. Similar to working with natural teeth, trainees can experience the difference in cutting feel between the enamel and the dentin material. The teeth were acquired from Nissin Dental Products Inc. ( Examples of the drilled tooth before, during, and after preparation are shown in Fig. 19. We would like to note the difference between the simulated tooth (lower right molar) and the plastic teeth (lower left molar). The lower left molar tooth was used in the evaluation study as it is the only lower molar tooth available in supply and the internal anatomy of the tooth is similar to the tooth used in the simulation. Students were additionally provided with a tungsten carbide bur (3 3 0), a millimeter graduated periodontal probe, a mouth mirror, and a sharp straight dental probe. All teeth were coded anonymously.

Data were collected in separate sessions between control and experimental groups after study hours. In the pre-training session, all participants performed access opening in the laboratory using plastic teeth. During the training session, participants from G1 were trained using the simulator without feedback; participants from G2 were trained using the simulator with formative feedback, and participants from G3 were trained in the traditional laboratory without the VR simulator.

Participants from G1 and G2 were briefly instructed on the use of the simulator, the experiment flow, and the requirements of the access opening. The participants received a verbal explanation about the use of the system from the investigators and familiarized themselves for fifteen minutes with the system interface, but not with the task. Participants from G2 were also informed that they were allowed to stop the video feedback once they felt that they understood the errors and the causes. During this familiarization or warm-up period, each participant was allowed to ask questions and receive further verbal explanations and suggestions from the investigators. After the familiarization, the participants continued in training sessions. During the training stage, participants from G2 received scores on the outcome from the automated outcome scoring system and video-based formative feedback on the performance. They were allowed to navigate the video playback freely and exit before the replay was over (and many did) if they felt that they had understood how and what lead to the resulting performance score.

The primary outcome measure used was the average of the outcome scores of each pre-and post-training session, assessed by a panel of two experts who were blinded to trainee and training status. The standard preparation is the preparation (i) with the straight-line access to the pulp chamber and root canal system without missing the orifice in all walls (Mesial, Distal, Buccal, Lingual and Pulp Floor), (ii) without excessive removal of tooth mass, and (iii) without perforation. Based on this, all tooth surfaces (Mesial, Distal, Buccal, Lingual, and Pulp Floor) were evaluated and graded using evaluation parameters – (i) the straight-line access to the pulp chamber and root canal system without missing the orifice, and (ii) smoothness of the preparations (Errors undercut, overcut, and perforation are penalized based on the severity)– as assessment criteria. The outcome score ranges from 1 to 100, with 70 being the clinically acceptable and passing score. The outcome score was considered as the primary dependent variable representing the success in learning outcome while the scores on axial walls and the pulp chamber floor were considered for detailed analysis of performance.

7. Results

The two experts evaluated the outcomes from the control and experimental groups in pre-and post-training steps. The normality of the variables was confirmed using the Kolmogorov and Smirnov test. Since the outcome scores in this study were normally distributed, we computed the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) [30] to determine the degree of agreement between the scores of the two experts. ICC values range between 0.0 and 1.0, with the highest value indicating strong agreement between the scores given to each tooth by the raters. The high ICC values shown in Table 1 indicate strong inter-rater agreement in all categories (the axial walls, the floor, and the overall scores). All the coefficients of ICC were significant at p = 0.05. The highest ICC (0.99) is observed in the overall score while the lowest (0.91) is found in the floor scores.

The descriptive statistics of pre-and post-training scores in all groups are summarized in Table 2. The mean overall scores before training range between 61.30 and 65.80, while the means after training range between 66.30 and 91.6. The overall post-training scores showed a marked decrease in standard deviation compared to the pre-training scores in G2 (8.07 from 15.52) and G3 (7.70 from 15.71), indicating the convergence in performance of these two groups. The participant group trained using the simulator with feedback achieved higher mean post-training overall outcome scores (G2 Post-Mean = 91.6) than the control group trained with the simulator without feedback (G1 Post-Mean = 66.3), and the group trained in the traditional laboratory setting (G3 Post-Mean = 72.20).

Table 3 shows the mean learning gains for the three groups in the four-axial wall, the floor, and overall. The learning gain of each student is computed as the difference between the post-training and pre-training scores. Independent samples t-tests were used to compare the learning gains among all three groups. We found that the student group trained with the simulator with feedback (G2) achieved statistically significantly the highest learning gain in terms of overall score (mean 30.30 ± standard deviation 17.5) at the end of the training session. The statistically significant higher gain compared to group G1 trained with the simulator without feedback (mean 0.5 ± standard deviation 11.375), t (18) = − 4.523, p = 0.000, confirms our hypothesis I that skill training using the simulator with video-based formative feedback is more effective than training using the simulator without feedback. Similarly, experimental group G2 had statistically significantly higher learning gain at the end of the training session compared to the control group G3 (mean 8.5 ± standard deviation 14.152), t (18) = −3.068, p = 0.007. This confirms our hypothesis II that skill training using the simulator with video-based formative feedback is more effective than the traditional training approach.

To have a better understanding of the difference in performance between groups, we analyzed the learning gains in the axial walls and the pulp floor of each group. Negative learning gains were observed in G1 for Buccal and Lingual walls, as the scores of participants from G1 significantly dropped from pre-training scores in these two walls (Table. 3). In contrast, G2 and G3 had positive learning gains in Buccal, and Lingual, with higher learning gains observed in G2. One-way analysis with Tukey posthoc tests revealed that the mean learning gain of G2 is significantly higher in the Mesial and Distal wall scores than that of G1 (Mesial: p = 0.04, Distal = 0.00) and G3 (Distal = 0.02) in those walls. Experts highlighted the fact that even though the simulator did not include the dental probe tool, the positive learning gains indicate that the participants from G2 may be gaining benefits from observing errors visualized in axial walls in the video-playback.

We next examine within-group individual learning gains. A paired t-test was used to compare the difference between the means of pre-and post-training scores. At p < 0.05, significant differences are found between pre-and post- training scores for all categories in the experimental group G2. In contrast, a significant difference is found for G3 only in the distal wall and in no learning gains for G1.

A further important question is how the initial skill level affects learning gains. From Fig. 20 we can see that in group G2 for low initial scores the learning gains are high, but for high initial scores, there is little improvement. The same trend holds for group G3, but the effect of initial skill level is less pronounced. For group G1 we see little effect, if any.

8. Discussion

Dental students acquire pre-clinical knowledge from a range of media including didactic lectures, seminars, and online learning, and reading. In translating knowledge to skills, dental students practice using extracted human teeth, artificial teeth (and jaws) mounted in phantom heads, and computed-based training simulators. Artificial teeth allow instructors to improve a student’s hand-eye coordination, indirect vision, and dexterity, but tactile sensation is difficult to explain verbally [44]. Other drawbacks include a lack of anatomical structure and high cost. Extracted teeth have higher fidelity of physical properties than artificial teeth, however, standardization of training procedures is often problematic due to anatomical and pathological variations.

With traditional phantom head simulator training practice, students should ideally receive assessment and feedback on each stage of their work to move on to the next stage of the procedure. However, tutors are often only able to inspect the outcome of each student due to time constraints and high student-to-tutor ratio [18], [44], [61]. By only examining the result of the pre-clinical training task, instructors can rarely assess the actual procedure followed by every student to achieve the desired outcome, and the feedback can be subjective to the experience and opinion of the instructors [40]. In this setting, when it is given, the feedback is often nonspecific, making it ineffective in providing learners with concrete strategies on how to improve.

In recent years computer-based simulators have been widely adopted into the dental curriculum [10], [13], [62]. The operator of a computer-based simulator is usually presented with a 3D target area that they are instructed to remove using a dental handpiece. Typically, feedback is generated using a combination of the amount of the target shape removed, the damage done to the area outside of the target, and the time taken to complete the task. Despite having several limitations, this shape agreement approach has been widely adopted in computer-based simulators [53], [55]. But knowing the percentage or volume of material removed inside or outside of a target area might not help the endodontic trainee who is practicing to improve skills. Since not all the materials removed are equally important, the trainee should be informed about which areas the material has been removed from and how critical those areas are.

Metrics based on kinematic data from the user’s movement and force exertion have also commonly been used as the basis for comparison with an expert’s performance on the same exercise [52]. Rhienmora and colleagues [41] presented and evaluated such a feedback system using a haptic dental simulator. Comparing a student’s performance with an expert in this way is using more factors than the shape agreement method, however, the information is limited to a particular exercise for a particular tooth only. Although it may not immediately correlate with the internalization of that skill so it can be transferable to other contexts, still it is useful for the trainee to learn how the expert would perform in a given scenario.

Another commonly used metric in computer-based dental simulators is task completion time or task time [4], [20], [57]. While learning and developing a skill, receiving feedback on how much time was taken may not be particularly useful. It may be true that an expert can perform a procedure more quickly than a novice, but providing this metric simply informs the novice of this fact without offering any guidance on how to achieve mastery. Additionally, it has been shown that introducing time pressures can negatively impact a novice’s performance and impede their ability to concentrate on the factors that actually would lead to improved performance [9].

Central to effective learning in simulation-based skill training is the role of feedback on a learner’s performance [8], [29], [33]. The formative feedback in our study is constructed by forming a linkage between information about the outcome of the performance, which is known as knowledge of result (KR), and information about the quality of performance and movement characteristics, known as knowledge of performance (KP). The availability of KR feedback during simulated practice has been identified as one of the most important factors leading to differences in motor learning [19], [46], [48]. Provision of formative feedback from the simulator was found to result in significant performance improvements relative to the training using the simulator without feedback (G1) and training in the conventional setting (G3). Learning gains were particularly strong for trainees with low pre-training scores in G2. Gains were lower for similar students in G3 and were only moderate in G1. This shows the benefit of the simulator with feedback over traditional training and the simulator without feedback for students with low skill levels. It suggests the importance of high-quality formative feedback, particularly for students in the early stages of skill development. In [50], the authors showed that even when the novices were provided with a simple one-time summative feedback on the outcome score, participants trained with the haptic VR simulator and conventional phantom head had equivalent effects on minimizing procedural errors in endodontic access cavity preparation. They also reported that the participants trained with the VR simulator tended to remove less tooth mass. Positive learning gains from G2 and G3 in our study indicate that the participants trained with the haptic VR simulator with formative feedback and conventional phantom head had similar effects on minimizing procedural errors in endodontic access cavity preparation. Although the tooth mass was not measured in this study, with the positive learning gains, we expected the participants in our study achieved the same effect.

Feedback for the development of psychomotor skills can be classified into immediate and terminal, where immediate feedback occurs immediately after action and terminal feedback occurs after procedure completion. Both immediate and terminal feedback have different strengths and are indispensable for skill training. Frequent immediate feedback is considered appropriate for early novices who are not familiar with the procedure (or the tools) at the cost of potentially interrupting the students, whereas terminal feedback is suitable for users who already have substantial knowledge about the procedure, including how to perform the procedure, like the participants in our study. A clear benefit of immediate feedback in a traditional training environment is its ability to provide a link between action and outcome, which may be lost in terminal feedback. Our system occupies an interesting space between the two approaches. By providing feedback at the end of the procedure, we avoid interrupting the flow of work of the student. At the same time, by replaying the student actions and highlighting errors made, we retain the linkage between action and outcome important in learning and refining psychomotor skills. Also, we permit students to re-try portions of the procedure they choose. This formative informational property of the feedback [45] directs the learner in terms of how to correct the error on the next trial. The differences in the learning gains between the two groups (G2 and G3) observed in our study indicates the potential benefits of the terminal formative feedback in skill training in relation to the traditional setting.

Procedure playback is commonly used as a terminal feedback modality in VR simulators. According to a survey of existing VR dental simulators for skill training by Wang et al. (D. [56], the ForssLund simulator (Forsslund [17], the HapTel simulator [53], and the Simodont simulator [6] have replay features which allow the student or instructor to watch in full replay mode upon completion of a procedure. All these existing systems provide simple playback of the procedure carried out using the simulator without any augmentation. In contrast, our approach augments the replay with information about the errors committed. With our simulator playback feedback system, the trainee can deconstruct the actions and errors that unfold during the procedure, and identify the information necessary to improve in subsequent practice. A few examples include reviewing how the drill/handpiece was in close contact with critical regions in the operating area, the amount of force used on the handpiece, and how it could affect the outcome, the speed, and direction in which to move the handpiece to remediate the errors. Instructors often use debriefing to guide the trainees to explore and understand the relationships among events, actions, thought and feeling processes, as well as performance outcomes of the simulation [23]. This video-based formative feedback could assist the endodontic experts in debriefing with detailed feedback on procedural aspects which are usually excluded from post-procedure debriefing.

Practice in simulation-based learning environments may improve student decision-making and error management opportunities by providing a structured experience where errors are explicitly characterized and used for training and feedback [38]. White et al. [60] noted that trainees’ knowledge is increased by making and learning from errors. Our system is designed to give students the freedom and autonomy to commit errors and then in retrospective feedback shows them where errors occurred and provide information concerning the causes of the errors. Trainees can develop an understanding of how their actions lead to correct or incorrect results which are considered to be highly effective feedback for motor skill development [59].

Our feedback prototype was developed for the access opening stage of endodontic root canal treatment, which is one of the most challenging areas of dental surgery. Creating a proper access opening is critical to the success of the later stage involving instrumentation of the root canal system. The small pulp chamber is encapsulated deep inside the tooth so that working in the pulp area demands fine motor skills and experience. In the access opening stage of an endodontic root canal procedure, dental students tend to have difficulties in adequately deroofing the chamber, reaching the pulp chamber, and locating the orifices [32]. Overcutting errors may result in excessive loss of the tooth structure and subsequently lead to brittle and fragile teeth with decreased fracture strength against loads [11]. Undercutting errors can lead to missed root canals to be treated or to instrument breakage if the access to the canals is not adequately expanded and extended. Various studies have demonstrated that such procedural accidents have a negative effect on the prognosis of the overall treatment outcome [3], [22], [27] and correction of such errors is difficult, if not impossible [15], [25].

The shape of the access opening is dictated by the pulp morphology. A meticulous study of pulp morphology is essential to design any therapeutic intervention plan [37], [54]. In a study by [15], the authors concluded that negligence, the lack of planning, and unfamiliarity with the internal anatomy contribute significantly to the failure of root canal treatment. To date, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and micro-computed tomography have been used in conjunction with digital radiography images for visualization, measuring, quantitative or qualitative analysis, three-dimensional assessment, and design in endodontic treatment planning. Endodontic treatment planning can be further improved through the use of training simulators like the one presented in this study. With the CBCT of the patient’s tooth, the trainees could plan the treatment as well as repeatedly rehearse to achieve the optimal straight-line access outcome. Each plan can be judiciously analyzed to keep the procedural errors at a minimum. With the 3D video playback, the sound restorative margins and the possibility of retention of natural dentin, also the amount of remaining tooth structure can be visually confirmed for each treatment plan. Undergraduates novices who reportedly have low technical proficiency [17] and trainees who did not feel to perform the endodontic procedures [65] could be benefitted by rehearsing the plans with objective formative feedback. The access opening and cavity preparation is an important step of root canal treatment as all other factors precede this step. By keeping the procedural errors at a minimum in this step, the better the prognosis of the treatment can be expected.

9. Limitations and future work

In this study, only the three most common types of errors (undercutting, overcutting, perforation) associated with the access opening procedure stage from root canal treatment are taken into consideration. Details are provided in Section 3.2. Errors can be further analyzed at a more detailed level, for example, we could distinguish between lateral and vertical perforation errors. Similarly, the undercut error could be separated from incomplete error (unfinished task outcome) by thresholding the drilling region below the minimum template.

A limitation of the evaluation is that there are two forms of feedback in the experimental group: the outcome score from the automated outcome scoring system and the video-based formative feedback. In designing feedback systems, it would be good to know to what extent these different aspects contribute to improvements separately. This could be addressed by adding another experiment group and training the participants with each specific type of feedback.

The system’s feedback component could be extended in many ways. The system could be extended to have a feature to save the playback as a video, to enable students and instructors to keep records of student performance, and use it to monitor their progress. Instructors could also use it to review student skills and performance without having to be present during the training session. In determining the factors that contributed to errors, we focused only on the instrument during the procedure. However, the orientation variables associated with the mirror could indicate whether the trainee properly manipulates it whenever the indirect view of the operating tooth is needed. Besides, this study could be extended by distinguishing the sources of errors. Each error could be analyzed to determine whether it is caused by a lack of psychomotor ability or lack of relevant knowledge or a combination of both. This information could be instrumental in deriving directive feedback on correcting errors, inappropriate actions, or misconceptions. We plan to include the above-mentioned features in future work.

10. Conclusion

Simulation-based surgical skill training was largely driven by the tenet that simulators facilitate deliberate practice without risking the patient. However, assessment and feedback are as yet underutilized. Our formative feedback system provides an objective feedback mechanism and could be incorporated into formal skills training curricula. We would like to emphasize that virtual simulators cannot replace the experts during training but rather complement experts in the training process. While simulators are the perfect platform for deliberate practice, they can never replicate fully the clinical experience of experts nor their ability to motivate students. As simulators provide assessment and feedback for each practice session, experts can focus on qualitative feedback aspects of skill training. When both the expert and the simulator actively engage in the training process, the benefits are multifold. Expert’s time and workload could significantly reduce with the addition of VR simulators equipped with assessment and feedback features.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Myat Su Yin: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Software, Resources, Validation. Peter Haddawy: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Siriwan Suebnukarn: Conceptualization, Resources, Validation. Farin Kulapichitr: Visualization, Software. Phattanapon Rhienmora: Visualization, Software. Varistha Jatuwat: Visualization, Software. Nuttanun Uthaipattanacheep: Visualization, Software.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This work was partially supported through a fellowship from the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany to Su Yin for collaborative work with the University of Bremen and Santander BISIP Scholarship to Kulapichitr.


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Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applied in dentistry

Copyright 2018, Kaohsiung Medical University. Published by Elsevier Taiwan LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( by-nc-nd/4.0/).




Abstract : The OSCE is a reliable evaluation method to estimate the preclinical examination of dental students. The most ideal assessment for OSCE is used the augmented reality simulator to evaluate. This literature review investigated a recently developed in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) starting of the dental history to the progress of the dental skill. As result of the lacking of technology, it needs to depend on other device increasing the success rate and decreasing the risk of the surgery. The development of tracking unit changed the surgical and educational way. Clinical surgery is based on mature education. VR and AR simultaneously affected the skill of the training lesson and navigation system. Widely, the VR and AR not only applied in the dental training lesson and surgery, but also improved all field in our life.

KEYWORDS:  OSCE; Dental simulator; Augmented reality; Virtual reality; Dentistry


With the increase in the elderly population and the economic growth, the concept of oral health gradually increased, and dental and dental health care issues are increasingly important. Due to the high incidence and prevalence of today’s global oral diseases, the global market for oral medical equipment in 2016 was $ 23.99 billion up to 4.0% from 2015, and the market was expected to reach $ 29.09 billion by 2020.2015e2020 growth rate was up to 4.7%, coupled with the incidence of the poor than other socio-economic groups. The oral disease has become an important public health problem, and promote the global oral medical market continues to grow.

In addition, according to World Health Organization statistics show that more than 60% of school-age children worldwide and nearly 100% of adults have dental caries status, and 35e44 years of adult population, nearly 20% suffering from severe teeth disease, follow-up will lead to the possibility of missing teeth. As for the 65e74 year old population, the total tooth loss rate is as high as nearly 30% [1]. With the increase in the number of elderly population and the increasingly aging society, coupled with the majority of elderly people in the treatment rate is generally low. It will lead to long-term sustained increase in oral medical needs.

Nowadays, there are a lot of skills about the progresses in the computer-based technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). In the two kinds of reality, AR is the first application began to widely use. AR, in which 3D virtual objects are integrated into a 3D real environment in real time. AR is to “virtualize” the virtual image into the real space, creating a completely virtual space around the user’s eyes to replace the real space. To make the users see a world which have a real environment and generated by the computer graphics over a real scene [2]. And the VR offered the users a real, inside virtual 3D model [3e5]. According to the display, to build a three dimensional, seemingly true virtual world in the user’s eyes. Recently, VR also designed head mount display with special glasses to cover the user’s surrounding vision to achieve the interaction situation.

With the increasing demand for dental implants, the dentist-related faculties or post-graduated year (PGY) professional competencies, clinical training and experience accumulation are more important, and these technologies are directly reflected in the school’s education. Through the complete education and training with realistic exercises and assessments, in order to training a dentist. Therefore, whether it is on the education side or the clinical side, increasingly mature technology development developed by the auxiliary products will become more and more important role in the surgery and education training process.

The history of dentistry

The history of dentistry is almost as long as the history of human civilization. The progress of science and technology, the application of technology used in the dental became more and more mature. From the initial, using pliers to remove the tooth, wire to lock loose teeth, and the dental appliance and dental bridge. To the beginning of the 17th and 18th century, using the tooth filling [6], gradually developed to the initial bone as a denture concept to replace the loose teeth. To use the tooth sets of metal wire and fixed appliance techniques to correct the tooth position [7]. Until today, dental expertise is currently used to prevent and treat common oral diseases, namely dental caries and periodontal disease, and the field also includes common repair, extraction, implant, root canal therapy and calculus removal.

Nowadays, dentists in the United States and European countries must pass both written and technical examinations before obtaining a license. Dentistry in Japan and China also has fully implemented the above mentioned examination policies. In view of this, enough practice, professional knowledge in medical and dental colleges. The better way of learning is without question a developing trend for global dental education. Learning educational equipment and method built around such technology will be a must-have for dental universities around the world.

Informative technological advances in dentistry

With the advanced development of Information Technology (IT), dental solutions lead by computer and internet technologies have made significant progress all over the world. Digital dental solutions will be the trend for the professional dental field in the future. The rapid development of digital dental solutions has been applied in both the clinical dental field as well as the dental education field. This trend will gradually challenge both traditional dental clinical practices and dental education learning methods.

With the medical image of the increasingly mature can help physicians to identify the patient’s affected area and to make a different cure. The new technology which assisted the doctor has gradually been mature. The Image-guided therapy (IGT) [8], [9] and Image-guided interventions (IGI) technology development [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], the image recognition and location of tracking system [16], coupled with computer computing [17], combined computed tomography, position tracker, display and PC to achieve tracking location and surgical instruments immediately. By calculating the position of the medical images and surgical tools [13], to provide more accurate accuracy in the surgical position or learning lesson Recently, the current of article about the nerve surgery published in PubMed more than 1400 [18]. In the nerve surgery also combined with the above technology to achieve the effect of surgical real-time. And because good image clarity will affect the overall system of precision [19], medical imaging such as CT technology advances, with a good tracking system also reduces the risk of surgery and mistakes [12].

Educational applications of dentistry

Dr. John M. Harris opened the world’s first dental school in Bridge, and helped establish the dental establishment as a health career [13]. The school was opened on February 21, 1828 and is now the Harris Dental Museum [10]. Studies have shown that graduates who graduated from different countries [11] or different dental schools may have different clinical decisions for the same clinical condition [12]. This means that in each country or school has its own teaching and scoring methods. The primary issue about VR and AR that to achieve the standard score way can be standardized to facilitate student learning and practicing. Now there are several systems and devices using VR and AR [Table 1] [20], through the tracking system to achieve handpiece and the screen synchronization, the characteristics of the system equipment and comparison as follows: Which DentSim™ is a complete system that incorporates VR and AR with its system included ergonomic postures, instant feedback, exam simulation; direct transfer of data to programmer and the system can be used in the campus [20], [21]. According to the system with VR and AR not only integrate systems for learning and teaching from an organizational perspective but also training skills and improve the hand-eye coordinate [20], [22]. The results that system can improve the users correct the posture and skills. And some prove showed that lots of the information technology about VR and AR can train the users and make them familiar with the system, skill and the lesson [23], [24]. A system with VR and AR would become an educational tool to make the students learn by themselves and some reports proved that it can decrease faculty time by fivefold when compared to traditional preclinical teaching methods [25], [26], [27].

A complete VR and AR system in the hardware, there are the teeth model, handpiece with the motor, different brand of the burs and the air and water in-and-out. In the software, it included the simple registration to make the position of the instruments in the system and the real-time tracking with correct accuracy. And it could offer different lessons to let the students learn. A different lesson included cavity preparation, crown and bridge and access preparation. According to different lessons may make the students and PGY practice and be familiar with different symptoms.

Which another system, CDS-100, designed by the EPED Inc. Computerized Dental Simulators is dental training systems applied with new technology such as VR and AR. This technology provides the best computer training system for dental students and PGY dentists in need of self-training. Some advantages are as followed:Optical positioning system provides 3D real-time accurate feedback of optimal teeth’s angle, depth, and abundant software lessons (Operative Dentistry, Endodontics, Crown and Bridge and Pedodontics) provided students easy self-learning and practicing with digital guide and simulations. Courses & Lessons can be customized and designed as well as upgraded for specific projects. Abundant accessories included the system, such as tooth model, teeth, different brand burs, manikin chair, shadow-less lamp and the posture evaluation system. And the brand of the tooth, tooth model also can be used in the system. According to another system, the Implant Real-time Imaging System (IRIS), the doctors also can be offered the complete education and experience about the implantology and clinical treatment. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) incorporated into the operative dentistry software curriculum. With a Computerized-Objective Evaluation System, teachers can set up and highlight the score percentage with easy way. Teachers can evaluate students’ learning status through digital reports to further strengthen students’ learning objectives. Evaluation reports with figures and descriptions offer easy self-learning and comparison studies to improve clinical practice and precision. And according the record, students can review the progress and find the mistake to improve the skills. In the lesson, broadcasting function provides teachers a way to easily present and demonstrate to observing students via remote connect. Broadcasts can be done in real-time or at the student’s convenience. Broadcast and playback features provide an effective solution to solve the imbalance ratio between teachers and students, as well as provide an educational tool for college assessment and improvement rankings. Through the digital dental simulators and clinical environment, it is easy for students’ to self-practice, allowing them to gain crucial clinical experience and precision.

Another system, Moog Simodont Dental Trainer, is also a training system for dental schools. The system can help students progress faster and realize the progress, also can offer the teacher plan students work efficiently and track the students’ progress. The system target is that training the students’ skill such as removing tooth decay, preparing crowns with different dental burrs. Customized cases can be created and students’ work traced and evaluated by software and teachers. Moog Simodont Dental Trainer combines Moog’s expertise in haptic technology and ACTA’s (Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam) experience in dental education to help students practice more efficiently and learn faster.

These three systems have their features, like Moog, according to competence oriented with immediate feedback, no water lines, plastic teeth and no burr consumption. And such as CDS-100 and DentSim™, by the visible device, the users can see and use the real handpiece and teeth to learn and compare the visual and the reality teeth. Such like CDS-100 has a OSCE and objective evaluation (Fig. 1). The real-time observation in the visual and real teeth, customized and abundant lesson, high accuracy and evaluation are a good and standardized tool for the all students and PGY.

Clinical application of dentistry

With the development of dental technology, the system combined the surgical instruments, tracking system, medical images and computer became to the real-time navigation technology [28]. The tracking system has a different component to composed, and according to the work of component distinguish different types, such as electromagnetic and optical tracking system [29], [30], [31]. At first, the navigation system is not mature enough to exceed the stereolithographic surgical guide of the accuracy. The method of the surgical guide expressed high precision than the navigation system [32]. The position or place of the registration is important for the accuracy of the navigation system. The wrong place would produce the larger error. So according to the intended use of the navigation system, there are the different ways of registration [33]. Although the navigation played an important role but also the high quality medical images would make the clear information in the patient. High quality medical images would increase the rate of the surgery [19]. There are some reasons to affect the accuracy of the navigation system, such as integrated component, medical images accuracy, surgical tracking unit, registration accuracy and targeting. Many reasons because of the progress of the visual reality, they became to be overcome [28]. Currently, the navigation system became mature, the acculturate accuracy expressed better expression than the surgical guide [34]. There is a mature system, IGI (DenX Advanced Dental system), showed good expression in the dental surgery [28], [35], [36]. It played an important role in the dental implant technology. Especially, it is necessary to ensure the success rate and decrease the risk of dental implants. Traditional dental implants must be local anesthesia, and the scalpel flap treatment. It needs to wait for 3–4 months after surgery until the wound healing in order to install dentures, and because the dental inconvenient, resulting in occlusion dysfunction occurs. After the navigation system and the advanced development in the surgical instruments, it can be through the pre-surgical plan to adjust and plan a precise placement of the implant, not only greatly shorten the operation time because of the small wound or even the flapless surgery [35], but also accurately predict and avoid the nerve. By the way, there are some cases about investigating the patient using the navigation system, the situation of the wound and the implant position. As the report, after one year, the situation of the recovery is good [37]. Another system, Iris-100 (Implant Real-time Imaging system), designed by the EPED Inc., also can achieve the same function like IGI. According to CT images, Iris-100 can make the images dynamic to control the situation in real-time in the implant region. The Iris-100 system monitored the drills’ depth and angle to achieve the best effect in the lowest risk. By the CT images, doctors can do the pre-surgical planning which can lead the drills’ position in the surgery. Abundant customized hand piece and drills, tissue punch also combined and applied in the navigation to achieve the special surgical case and flapless surgery. Navigation system is the best assistant tool, by the process of guiding system, you can clearly distinguish the location of the implant, and the direction and depth. To reduce the pain of patients due to surgery, although the computer navigation may not be 100% accurate, there is need to professional physicians on-site real-time monitoring, through a wealth of experience, and the risk of the surgery would decrease.

VR and AR combined the tracking system in real-time in the surgery

The skill of the visual reality became mature, and more and more VR and AR showed on the educational and surgical field. The development of reality devices allow the user to combine the medical information, medical data and incorporate these data visualized. It can provide more clear information and make the users improve safety and lower risk [38]. Although the visual reality and augmented reality in the dental field is not enough common, in other field developed much better, such as the neurosurgery and cranial surgery [39]. The users can use the Head Mount Display (HMD) display to see the medical information and images combined to the surgery [40]. And it can decrease the surgical risk much better than the common visual reality.


The AR or VR simulators with direct feedback and objective evaluation function may become an important tool in the future of dental OSCE. The development of the VR or AR is a good tool for our society. Not only applied to the education, but also developed in the clinical treatment. We believe that in the future the VR and AR training and lesson can spread and apply to the every department of dentistry to make the student and PGY train their skill by themselves. And because of the complete education and training, in the surgery would decrease the risk and create the safety surgical environment. And in the surgery, the visible can combined the accurate medical images, tracking system, targeting, registration and computed even the HMD system or AR, to help the physicians execute the surgery. Depending on the physicians’ experience and the complete hardware and software, it would build a trustable relation between the patients and doctors.


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Virtual Reality Relaxation to Decrease Dental Anxiety: Immediate Effect Randomized Clinical Trial



Dental anxiety is common and causes symptomatic use of oral health services.


The aim was to study if a short-term virtual reality intervention reduced preoperative dental anxiety.


A randomized controlled single-center trial was conducted with 2 parallel arms in a public oral health care unit: virtual reality relaxation (VRR) and treatment as usual (TAU).

The VRR group received a 1- to 3.5-min 360° immersion video of a peaceful virtual landscape with audio features and sound supporting the experience. TAU groups remained seated for 3 min. Of the powered sample of 280 participants, 255 consented and had complete data. Total and secondary sex-specific mixed effects linear regression models were completed for posttest dental anxiety (Modified Dental Anxiety Scale [MDAS] total score) and its 2 factors (anticipatory and treatment-related dental anxiety) adjusted for baseline (pretest) MDAS total and factor scores and age, taking

into account the effect of blocking.


Total and anticipatory dental anxiety decreased more in the VRR group than the TAU group (β = −0.75, P < .001, for MDAS total score; β = −0.43, P < .001, for anticipatory anxiety score) in patients of a primary dental care clinic. In women, dental anxiety decreased more in VRR than TAU for total MDAS score (β = −1.08, P < .001) and treatment-related dental anxiety (β = −0.597, P = .011). Anticipatory dental anxiety decreased more in VRR than TAU in both men (β = −0.217, P < .026) and women (β = −0.498, P < .001).


Short application of VRR is both feasible and effective to reduce preoperative dental anxiety in public dental care settings ( NCT03993080).

Knowledge Transfer Statement:

Dental anxiety, which is a common problem, can be reduced with short application of virtual reality relaxation applied preoperatively in the waiting room. Findings of this study indicate that it is a feasible and effective procedure to help patients with dental anxiety in normal public dental care settings.


dental fear, clinical studies/trials, relaxation technics, virtual reality immersion, dental care, public sector


One-third of Finnish adults are anxious of dental treatment to some degree, women more often than men. A tenth are very anxious. The prevalence of dental anxiety has remained stable over the past 10 y (Lahti et al. 2007; Liinavuori et al. 2016). These statistics are similar in other countries (Hägglin et al. 1999; Maggirias and Locker 2002; Thomson et al. 2009; Armfield 2010; Hill et al. 2013; Carlsson et al. 2015). People with extreme dental anxiety are more likely to avoid or delay treatment (Pohjola et al. 2007; Thomson et al. 2010; Åstrøm et al. 2011; Hakeberg and Wide Boman 2017; Liinavuori et al. 2019), Finnish men more often than women (Liinavuori et al. 2019).

Dental anxiety may be managed by psychotherapeutic interventions, which enable patients to feel more comfortable when receiving the treatment and which help those patients not visiting the dentist due to a high fear to attend the treatment. These interventions include relaxation, distraction, exposure, and other forms of cognitive behavioral therapy (Armfield and Heaton 2013; Gordon et al. 2013; Wide Boman et al. 2013; Craske et al. 2014). Of these, relaxation and distraction are mostly used during dental treatment, whereas exposure therapy, including inhibitory learning, and other forms of cognitive behavioral therapy might be needed before the dental treatment (Armfield and Heaton 2013; Craske et al. 2014). While some of these interventions may be conducted by a dentist, others require support from psychologists (Armfield and Heaton 2013; Wide Boman et al. 2013). Several treatment visits are usually needed to manage dental anxiety, especially for those with extreme dental anxiety; however, a single appointment to reduce dental anxiety has also shown some success (Armfield and Heaton 2013; Gordon et al. 2013; Wide Boman et al. 2013). Based on this research evidence, a brief patient-centered intervention is needed that may be routinely incorporated into daily practice in primary dental care. New technologies have been developed, such as computer-assisted cognitive behavioral therapy, which has shown some potential (Rooksby et al. 2015; Tellez et al. 2015). Technologies based on virtual reality have also been developed for managing dental anxiety. A systematic review concluded that they have potential, though more rigorous studies are needed (Gujjar et al. 2019a). Many of them are based on distraction during normal or simulated treatment or exposure before treatment and used, for example, natural scenery, games, or information on treatment (Frere et al. 2001; Asl Aminabadi et al. 2012; Tanja-Dijkstra et al. 2014; Kazancioglu et al. 2015; Padrino-Barrios et al. 2015; Atzori et al. 2018; Niharika et al. 2018; Shetty et al. 2019), while others are based on psychologist-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (Raghav et al. 2016; Gujjar et al. 2017; Gujjar et al. 2019b). Short virtual reality–based interventions have shown particular promise in reducing preoperative or anticipatory anxiety in secondary care (Ganry et al. 2018). We are unaware, however, of short virtual reality–based relaxation being applied in primary dental care preoperatively.

Therefore, our research question is as follows: Can a short virtual reality–based intervention applied preoperatively be effective in reducing patients’ anticipatory and treatment-related dental anxiety for those attending primary dental care? The aim is to apply short-term virtual reality relaxation (VRR) to examine if it is effective in reducing anticipatory and treatment-related dental anxiety in primary dental care through a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design.



A randomized controlled single-center trial was conducted with 2 parallel arms: VRR and treatment as usual (TAU). Groups were randomized, following consent, with an allocation ratio of 1:1. No changes were made to methods after trial commencement.


Adult patients (≥18 y) who attended for dental treatment (basic, special, or emergency dental care; general anesthesia, x-ray), consented, and were able to complete the Finnish questionnaire without assistance were eligible for the study.

The study was conducted in the public Oral Health Care Unit of the Kalasatama Health and Welfare Center of the City of Helsinki, Finland. Patient recruitment and running the on-site research activities, such as administering the questionnaires and instructing the VRR group in the use of appliances, were conducted by 13 students from the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Students were trained for this study by the lead clinician (S.L.) on-site to ensure uniformity of information provided to participants.

Patients were approached in 1 of the 2 arrival halls where they entered the Oral Health Care Unit. Patients were inquired if they had 15 min before their scheduled dental appointment to allow participation in the study. If the patients had the time and volunteered, they were told the nature of the study and given an information leaflet describing it and the possibility to win a movie ticket or xylitol products in a lottery after participation. If the patient consented, she or he was then randomized into 1 of the 2 groups.


Interventions were conducted in similar settings in small alcoves with a seat and a table. The participants in the TAU group remained seated in the alcove for 3 min. Their experience of sitting in the alcove for 3 min was identical to that of the VRR group but without the VRR intervention. They were able to use their mobile phones if they so wished.

In the VRR group, participants chose 1 of the 5 videos (1 to 3.5 min). Still pictures of each video are provided in the Appendix. The application by MelloVR presented these videos. When the application was launched, clear instructions were displayed on the screen regarding next steps. These included basic instructions on how to select a video by turning one’s head toward a specific video via the so-called gaze selection method without manual controllers. The 360° videos (resolution range, 4,096 × 2,010 to 5,120 × 2,560) immersed the participants in a peaceful virtual landscape (beach, waterfall, underwater, space float, paddling). Videos were played with a Samsung Gear VR headset and a Samsung Galaxy S7 mobile phone (attached to the virtual headset) for the MelloVR application, with a total weight of approximately 500 g. A disposable mask was used with the headset for hygienic purposes.

Audio features and sound supported the relaxation experience. The musical ambient track was the same for all video choices. The file format is AAC with 320-kbps quality playing at 48 kHz. It has a tempo of 120 bpm (beats per minute) and fades in smoothly within 10 s. The musical instrumentation consists of a smooth synth pad, soft kick drum, and occasional bass and bell notes. White noise can be heard on top of the track, which listeners might find relaxing, particularly people with tinnitus. The synth pad looped the same harmony throughout the musical track, and the bass supports it. The bell instrument can be heard a few times, but no specific theme is recognized. This is typical of musical productions that are not meant to raise significant attention. The sound was played with on-ear headphones by Pioneer (model SE-M521) to exclude noise. The picture could be adjusted to suit the user’s eyesight by using the scroll on top of the glasses, and the audio volume could be set accordingly with a control on the side of the glasses.

Acceptability and feasibility of the VRR application were pilot tested prior to the RCT in 55 primary health care and social welfare clients of the Kalasatama Health and Welfare Center. Students who later recruited participants in the RCT invited volunteering clients to try a relaxing virtual reality experience. The virtual reality content and the devices were similar to those in the study. Volunteers’ perceptions were assessed after the virtual reality experience. Of the pilot participants, 98% found the experience relaxing; 87% would like to use it during a potentially anxiety-provoking treatment procedure; and 80% would recommend it to friends. Minor harmful effects, such as feelings of dizziness or nausea, were reported by <4%.


The main outcome measure, dental anxiety, was assessed with the validated Finnish version of the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) before and immediately after the intervention (Humphris et al. 2000; Yuan et al. 2008; Humphris et al. 2013). The measure has 5 questions, each with 5 reply alternatives from not anxious to extremely anxious. The primary outcome variable was the posttest MDAS total score. The secondary outcome variables were posttest scores for the 2 subscales of the MDAS: anticipatory dental anxiety (MDAS items 1 and 2) and treatment-related dental anxiety (MDAS items 3 to 5). After the intervention and completion of the posttest MDAS, patients reported their gender (female, male, other) and age in full years before attending their scheduled dental appointment. No personal information or information related to dental appointments after the study was collected.

From the MDAS, sums were calculated for the primary outcome total scale (range, 5 to 25) and for the secondary outcomes: anticipatory dental anxiety (range, 2 to 10) and treatment-related dental anxiety (range, 3 to 15).

Sample Size

Power calculation was estimated by the Stata “rsquared” routine. The effect of blocking was not introduced; however, the effect size was set to a low level to ensure a conservative approach when estimating a sufficient sample size. A small effect size of 0.04 in favor of the VRR intervention as compared with TAU would require a sample size of 272 participants at 90% power with alpha set to 0.05, 2-sided. This was calculated by specifying 2 control covariates (pretest MDAS and participant age in years) and the test random assignment factor (0 = TAU, 1 = VRR). Due to the chosen block size of 10 participants, the study required 280 participants.


A random allocation sequence was computer generated by A.S. using random number lists in blocks of 10. The blocked randomization was used to keep the numbers of patients in both treatment groups closely balanced during the study and thus to homogenize the variation in group allocation due to patient flow in different weekdays and time of day. The block size of 10 was big enough to prevent guessing the next randomized treatment group, thus reducing bias (Altman 1991). The block size of 10 was also the multiple of number of treatments, and the required sample size was divisible by block size. The students enrolling the participants administered the randomization of patients, allocating the patient to the next free identification number on the randomization list. The patients were blinded until the intervention started. It was not possible to blind the students enrolling the patients.

Statistical Analyses

The primary outcome variable, posttest MDAS total score, was adjusted for the baseline (pretest) MDAS total score and participant age through mixed effects regression with inclusion of the random block effect. The analysis method ignoring blocks is more conservative regarding the statistical significance and thus less efficient and powerless (Matts and Lachin 1988). The analyses were repeated for the secondary outcome variables: MDAS anticipatory and treatment-related dental anxiety. Separate analyses were run for males and females. To avoid making assumptions of strict normality and nonheteroscedasticity, the “robust” option in the “regress” procedure was applied. Residual plots were inspected for identification of possible violations. Alpha was set to 0.05 (2-sided). Data were analyzed with Stata 15.1 (StataCorp 2017).


Ethical approval was granted by the City of Helsinki (HEL 2018-008940). The trial was registered at (NCT03993080).


The flowchart of allocated and analyzed participants is presented in the Figure. Data collection started October 15, 2018, and was completed February 27, 2019. Recruitment was halted at 277 participants, who were analyzed by original assigned groups. Means and standard deviations for age and the MDAS total, anticipatory, and treatment-related anxiety scores according to gender and intervention group are presented in Table 1. Of the participants, 47.5% reported low dental anxiety (MDAS <10); 43.9%, moderate dental anxiety (MDAS, 10 to 18); and 8.6%, high dental anxiety (MDAS ≥19).

Group had a statistically significant effect in the total MDAS model and anticipatory dental anxiety model (Table 2). The VRR group showed 0.75–MDAS scale unit decrease in total dental anxiety and a 0.43–scale unit decrease in the anticipatory dental anxiety as compared with the TAU group. In the secondary gender-specific analyses, the females in the VRR group showed a >1–MDAS scale unit decrease in dental anxiety as compared with the TAU group. For males, the decrease was not statistically significant. In MDAS anticipatory dental anxiety. the VRR group showed a half–scale unit decrease as compared with the TAU group in females and a 0.2-unit decrease in males. For treatment-related dental anxiety, the decrease in MDAS scores was statistically significant only among females in the VRR group, showing over a half–scale unit decrease as compared with the TAU group (Table 3).

The MDAS outcome data showed a significant level of skewness. The “robust” option in Stata was applied to mitigate this. To check that our analyses were unbiased, we repeated the regression analyses with log-transformed dependent variable. All statistical results remained substantively the same.


A short preoperative VRR decreased total and anticipatory dental anxiety in those attending a primary dental care clinic. In the secondary gender-specific analyses, total and treatment-related dental anxiety decreased among females and anticipatory dental anxiety among males. To our knowledge, this is the first study with a short VRR method in a routine dental primary care setting. Like Ganry et al. (2018), we found that even a short application of VRR reduced anticipatory dental anxiety.

It is possible that at least part of the dental anxiety reduction came from distraction, which has been shown to be effective when applied during dental treatment (Frere et al. 2001; Asl Aminabadi et al. 2012; Tanja-Dijkstra et al. 2014; Padrino-Barrios et al. 2015; Atzori et al. 2018; Niharika et al. 2018; Shetty et al. 2019). The virtual reality used in this study was developed for relaxation purposes. Regardless of the pathway, the use of virtual reality preoperatively reduced dental anxiety.

The strengths of this study are the RCT design and the study population, which included participants with all levels of dental anxiety in the primary dental care setting. The levels of dental anxiety were similar to the UK population norms (Humphris et al. 2013). We did not aim to maximize the effect of VRR by recruiting participants with high levels of dental anxiety only. Also, the intervention setup was very similar for both groups in terms of seating and the possibility for the TAU group to use a mobile phone, thus enabling the effect of the virtual reality intervention to be explicitly identified. The study did not assess dental anxiety levels after dental treatment or the type of treatment procedures that participants were receiving. Neither was the content or length of the VRR intervention that participants chose assessed, as this was a population study. Thus, the long-term effects and the effects of different VRR interventions as well as different dental treatments call for further studies.

There are also limitations to the study population. Recruiting took place in a setting with on average 200 patient visits per day. However, most patients arrived just in time for their scheduled appointment and did not have sufficient time to participate in the study (69.5% of those approached and 83.2% of those excluded). This might have led to possible bias in the age distribution, as older patients were more likely to arrive ahead of their scheduled appointments and thus participate the study. As another recruitment bias, we might have missed patients with high dental anxiety, as they may have come at the last minute. However, the percentages of participants with high dental anxiety were similar to the national survey among adult Finns (Liinavuori et al. 2016) and possibly due to the recruitment including patients coming for acute dental care. Only 11.5% of those approached declined to participate for other reasons, and 2.5% did not consent after reading the written information. The fact that many patients were unable to seek out VRR treatment due to time constraints needs to be addressed to ensure successful implementation at the population level.

There was also a lower percentage of men than women in this study, with only 3 men reporting high dental fear in this study. Men with high dental fear were underrepresented in another cohort study where dental anxiety was assessed in conjunction with dental examination (Kankaanpää et al. 2019). This might partly explain the lack of statistical significance of VRR among men and needs to be considered when powering future studies. Thus, results referring to the effect of gender should be interpreted with caution.

The positive findings of this study indicate that a short VRR intervention is a feasible, patient-accepted, inexpensive, and effective way of reducing preoperative dental anxiety in a public dental care setting on a population level. For those who are truly dentally phobic, we realize that more in-depth psychotherapeutic interventions are necessary. We therefore recommend in future studies that the level of dental anxiety be carefully inspected. In addition, further studies are needed to understand the effect of this VRR intervention more fully and to assess long-term outcomes.

Author Contributions

S.Lahti, G. Humphris, contributed to conception, design, data analysis, and interpretation, drafted and critically revised the manuscript; A. Suominen, contributed to design, data analysis, and interpretation, drafted and critically revised the manuscript; R. Freeman, contributed to conception, design, and data interpretation, drafted and critically revised the manuscript; T. Lähteenoja, contributed to design and data interpretation, drafted and critically revised the manuscript. All authors gave final approval and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.


The authors acknowledge MelloVR for providing the virtual reality relaxation equipment, the Oral Health Care Unit of Kalasatama Health and Welfare Center of the City of Helsinki for allowing access to their patients, and the students of the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and Laurea University of Applied Sciences for recruiting the participants.

A supplemental appendix to this article is available online.

The authors received no financial support and declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.



Data Accessibility Statement

Data can be requested from the corresponding author.

Among ten runs, the mean and standard deviation of D is quantified and used to evaluate the three guidance approaches along with the time.


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Towards AR-assisted visualization and guidance for imaging of dental decay

This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/3.0/)


Untreated dental decay is the most prevalent dental problem in the world, affecting up to 2.4 billion people and leading to a significant economic and social burden. Early detection can greatly mitigate irreversible effects of dental decay, avoiding the need for expensive restorative treatment that forever disrupts the enamel protective layer of teeth. However, two key challenges exist that make early decay management difficult: unreliable detection and lack of quantitative monitoring during treatment. New optically based imaging through the enamel provides the dentist a safe means to detect, locate, and monitor the healing process. This work explores the use of an augmented reality (AR) headset to improve the workflow of early decay therapy and monitoring. The proposed workflow includes two novel ARenabled features: (i) in situ visualisation of pre-operative optically based dental images and (ii) augmented guidance for repetitive imaging during therapy monitoring. The workflow is designed to minimise distraction, mitigate hand–eye coordination problems, and help guide monitoring of early decay during therapy in both clinical and mobile environments. The results from quantitative evaluations as well as a formative qualitative user study uncover the potentials of the proposed system and indicate that AR can serve as a promising tool in tooth decay management.


Oral health problems remain a major public health challenge worldwide in the past 30 years, leading to economic and social burden [1–3]. Wherein, untreated dental decay is the most prevalent issue and is relevant to socio-economic disparities [4, 5]. As shown in Fig. 1, the traditional dental care pattern for dental decay management consists of routine examination in clinics, non-destructive treatments for detected early decays and destructive treatments for irreversible decays. There are three limitations to this pattern. First, visual or tactile examination and the current gold-standard x-ray radiography cannot reliably and timely detect interproximal and occlusal lesions [6], which are the most common types of dental decays. Second, medicine therapy and instructed cleaning are performed by patients at home without supervision. And they need to revisit the dental clinic, which limits the timely monitoring of decay and often leads to further progression of the decay into irreversible decay. Lastly, the treatments for irreversible lesion such as drill-and-fill procedure, root canal treatment and even dental implant are all destructive, painful, expensive and time-consuming. These limitations need to be solved to develop an ideal dental care procedure for decay management, also shown in Fig. 1. If early-stage lesions can be detected reliably, patients can be prescribed with medicinal therapies and instructed/directed cleaning over time outside the dental clinic [3, 7, 8]. Also, if the current clinic-revisiting-based monitoring of decay can be enhanced by monitoring at community health centre or even patient’s home and sharing data with dentists, then timely intervention can be made with fewer clinic-visits and less burden on both dentists and patients [3, 9]. Then, early decays can be detected and healed in time thus avoiding destructive and costly procedures. In need is the continuous research into such ideal management of tooth decay [3].

To move towards this ideal pattern, there have been significant strides towards developing reliable, sensitive and low-cost imaging modalities to diagnose early decays [10, 11]. Three-dimensional (3D) imaging modalities such as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are reliable and sensitive but usually require long imaging time on expensive clinical systems. Clinicians typically perform 3D imaging pre-operatively and use the 3D image for planning and intraoperative reference. For intra-operative imaging and also remote monitoring, clinicians also need a 2D imaging modality, e.g. the scanning fibre endoscope (SFE).

Along with the development of imaging modalities, the ease of use for dental imaging needs to be improved in general. Acquiring high-quality images from desired perspective usually requires expert manipulation of the instrument. For example, to effectively monitor the condition of a carious lesion with SFE, users need to image the decay from the same perspective every time, which is difficult without any assistance [12]. Also, using the previous images for navigation requires hand–eye coordination. Clinicians need to divert their attention to the display monitor while manually positioning the scope, additionally compensating for patient’s movement. This is particularly challenging in dental field as there is only manual fixation of patient’s jaw and patients are typically not under local anaesthesia during dental procedures. The above challenges lead to a lengthy learning curve for providing treatment accurately [13, 14]. Moreover, resource-limited areas may lack budgets for well-trained personnel.

In this work, we utilise an augmented reality (AR) head-mounted display (HMD) to develop a platform for visualising dental images from multiple modalities. We also use the HMD as a guidance tool for positioning of an imaging probe during repetitive monitoring of dental lesions and their treatments. We built a prototype system using the Magic Leap One AR headset and two dental imaging modalities OCT and infrared SFE. The key contributions of our work are (i) the design and development of a novel end-to-end system for multi-modal dental image visualisation, (ii) a technique for guided image capture using SFE, and (iii) quantitative evaluations as well as a user study to evaluate the usefulness, usability and limitations of our system and identify areas for future work.

To the best knowledge of the authors, this is the first pilot study to develop HMD-based AR environment for visualisation and guidance for optically monitoring the status of dental lesions. Continued advances in AR devices, dental imaging modalities, as well as systems that combine these two technologies will together push the traditional dental practice towards an ideal future.

2. Related work

Near-infrared (NIR) optical imaging is shown to have the potential to detect early-stage dental decays more reliably [15, 16]. In NIR reflection image, dental decays appear brighter than surrounding sound areas due to increasing scattering coefficient [17]. OCT is a 3D volumetric imaging technique and has been used for NIR imaging of dental decay [18]. Fig. 2a shows a prototype OCT system imaging an extracted human tooth and a slice of the 3D OCT scan where two interproximal dental lesions appear as bright spots. OCT systems are expected to be expensive when introduced to dental clinics, and currently a complete 3D scan takes at least several minutes from prototype systems.

Also, the OCT probe is bulky and requires expert manipulation to acquire high-quality scans. Thus OCT is more suitable as the pre-operative imaging modality used in clinics. The SFE is a 2D imaging technique with the advantages of miniature probe tip and expected low cost. Many SFE prototypes have been used for real-time NIR dental imaging in previous works [19–21]. Fig. 2b shows SFE imaging an extracted human tooth and the SFE image where the white patterns on both sides of tooth indicate two interproximal dental lesions. In the figure, SFE is imaging from the biting surface of tooth, but since NIR light penetrates around 3 mm deep into the surface [20], the interproximal dental lesion under the surface also shows up in the image. This is very helpful for dental decays that are hidden in between the neighboring teeth and not accessible to the operator. Due to the above advantages, SFE is well-suited for quick intraoperative screening and long-term monitoring.

AR technology has been introduced into research areas of dental implant [22–26], oral and maxillofacial surgery [14, 27–29], orthodontics [30] as well as dental education [31, 32]. In previous work, introduction of AR has assisted clinicians by displaying and registering virtual models in the operating field thus reducing difficulty of hand–eye coordination. However, there is as yet no study aimed at assisting dental imaging modalities for detection and monitoring of dental decay [33]. Among all available AR devices, HMDs have the advantage of compactness and intuitiveness (as compared to handheld or armature mounted AR devices). For this study, we chose Magic Leap One [34] AR headset as the hardware platform. Magic Leap One also includes a hand-held controller with a home button, a bumper, a trigger and a touchpad.

3. Methods

The proposed workflow and corresponding technical components are described in Fig. 3. During the initial appointment in dental clinics with high resource availability, a pre-operative 3D raw image is acquired and transferred onto AR headset, and then dentists can examine the 3D image in AR environment intraoperatively and make a diagnosis based on observed position, dimension and severity of dental decays. During this process, the dentist can translate, rotate, and scale the 3D image at will to view it from an optimal viewing angle based on their preference and experience. The dentist can also adjust display parameters including intensity, opacity, and contrast threshold to optimize decay visibility and also account for varying external lighting conditions. Furthermore, they can examine the image by slicing through the 3D structure to accurately locate the decay.

For long-term monitoring, the dentist can select the desired angle of view for future repetitive 2D imaging. Then a virtual model of tooth and imaging instrument, with registered spatial relationships, is generated and stored. During the monitoring phase, 2D imaging can be performed regularly within or outside of a clinical setting, using the virtual model as guidance. In order to reproduce the reference image, the operator aligns the position of the selected tooth and the imaging probe with respect to the virtual model so that the same desired view angle is preserved. Alignment of imaging probe can be done by manual alignment or tracking-based alignment. 2D images are then transferred into AR environment and fused with the 3D image and all previous 2D images for comparison.

The operator or remote dentist can change the desired angle of view according to updated 2D images throughout the period of monitoring. After 2D SFE images are acquired, they are fused with 3D image and transferred to a dentist with computer-aided image analysis for interpretation. By comparing the historical images to the present, the dentist can make determination of whether the dental decay is healing or is progressing under the current prescription and make corresponding adjustment on the prescription (such as frequency and dose of medicine application, and/or time of next dental visit). We prototyped a software system based on this principle using Unity [35] (version 2019.1.0f1) with Magic Leap Lumin SDK [34].

3.1. AR-assisted visualisation of pre-operative 3D image

 In our pilot study, a pre-operative 3D image of the tooth is acquired using a pre-commercial 1310 nm swept-source OCT (Yoshida Dental Mfg., Tokyo, Japan) with 110 nm band and 50kHz scan. The OCT 3D scan is taken from the occlusal view with an imaging range of 10 × 10 × 8 mm3 and an axial imaging resolution of 11 µm. The raw data from OCT imaging system is first converted into point cloud data and down sampled to reduce the data size without losing useful features. The point intensities are then rescaled to increase the dynamic range. The point cloud data is then rendered as a 3D volumetric object using an open-source Unity package for volumetric rendering [36].

Slicing through three orthogonal directions is implemented to allow users to inspect inner structures of the tooth. By examining cross-section slices, dentists can comprehensively inspect the location and size of dental lesions. More importantly, dentists can find out how deep the dental decay has progressed into the dental enamel layer, which would determine whether a drill-and-fill procedure is needed or the medicine treatment should be prescribed with long-term monitoring. Since the visualisation needs to accommodate different lighting conditions and user preferences, adjustment of three display parameters is provided. Users can adjust intensity value to adjust the overall brightness of the volumetric display. They can also adjust the threshold value for saturation, hiding areas that have low contrast. Opacity value can be adjusted to determine the transparency of the volume. Appropriate opacity values allow the user to see the surface structure of tooth as well as inner features like dental decay or a crack without having to inspect through every slice, thus providing an initial and intuitive sense of existence, position and structure of these features. Slicing and display adjustment are implemented as sliders on a panel. The controller is used to select and adjust sliders. The panel and the pre-operative 3D image can be selected by aiming the controller at them and holding down the trigger and physically translating or rotating the controller. When the panel or the image is selected, users can also rescale them by pressing on left of the touchpad to shrink and left of the touchpad to enlarge. See the video in supplementary material for the interaction demo.

3.2. AR-assisted guidance for 2D imaging

Guidance for 2D imaging is necessary not only in that it helps non-dentist personnel to take 2D images at desired view angles, but also in that it guarantees the field of view and perspective of 2D images during repetitive imaging remain the constant and the series of images can be quantitatively compared. After dentists spot decay on the OCT 3D image, they can designate the desired view angle to take 2D images so that the decay can be detected by 2D images. In the view angle selection mode, a virtual cone shape is attached to the end of controller, corresponding to the view frustum of the endoscope. Since NIR SFE has a disc-shaped field of view which grows larger when the target is further away from the probe, a cone can be used to represent the field of view of SFE. The user can aim the cone at the OCT 3D image and adjust the area that is covered by the cone, as shown in Fig. 4a. By pressing the bumper to indicate that the desired view angle is chosen and a virtual reference model consisting of 3D tooth surface model registered with SFE probe model according to indicated view angle is generated for future guidance. The 3D tooth surface model is acquired by an intra-oral scanner (3Shape TRIOS 3, 3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark).

In this pilot study, we strive to keep the system and workflow as concise as possible, so we are not using any fiducial-point-based tracking which requires an additional tracker. Furthermore, the alignment between the virtual tooth model with the real tooth is done manually by the user. Since the virtual tooth model is the 3D surface structure scan from the same tooth, the user can shrink the model to the same size as the tooth and align them. The next step is to use the reference model for guidance of 2D imaging, where the user needs to align the virtual probe model. The alignment of SFE probe to the virtual model is made more difficult since SFE probe is of a smaller scale. Therefore, we designed two virtual SFE probe models, a cylinder model and a tri-colour-plane model, as shown in Figs. 4b and c.

Besides manual alignment, there are also two tracking-based methods supported by hardware systems on Magic Leap One. The first method is based on image-tracking API provided by Magic Leap [37]. The front-view camera and depth camera on the headset can be used for tracking the spatial position and rotation of a flat image. The target image is printed in the dimension of 3.4 × 3.2 cm2 and attached to the SFE probe. Then the tracked position and rotation of the target image can be transformed to the position and rotation of the probe, assuming the offset between the probe and target image remains rigid and unchanged. The second method is based on the electromagnetic 6-DoF spatial tracking of the control handle [38]. By fixing the SFE probe with the control handle, the tracked position and rotation of the controller can be transformed into the position and rotation of the probe. Once the probe is being tracked, a red cylinder virtual model is shown to indicate the tracked position and rotation. Then the user needs to align the red cylinder virtual model (the tracked position and rotation of the real probe) with the virtual probe model (desired position and rotation for positioning the real probe).

3.3. Data transfer and image fusion

The 2D SFE images are transferred from the instrument to the AR headset via a web server. A polling-based scheme downloads newly acquired images onto the headset, over HTTP. 2D SFE images and the 3D OCT image can then be registered according to the view angles with which the SFE images were taken. As shown in Fig. 5, an occlusal-view SFE image is registered with the OCT 3D image. With the image fusion, users can interpret and compare images from multiple modalities and also inspect the condition of decays during monitoring of therapy.

4. Evaluation

4.1. Experiments

To measure the augmentation quality, we set up a 3D grid coordinate as shown in Fig. 6a. The grid paper has 1 mm fine grids, 5 mm medium grids and 1 cm large grids. Once the hologram is manually aligned with the object, the observer uses a sharp pointer to localise position of a certain point on hologram and then measures the distance between the points on real object and hologram. Jitter and perceived drift of the hologram are quantified by the translation distance measured on the grid paper.

To measure the alignment performance, we also measure the end-to-end accuracy quantified by keypoint displacement in acquired SFE images. We choose to image a USAF resolution test chart as shown in Fig. 6b, to simplify the accurate extraction of keypoints in SFE images. Ten key points are selected on the test chart. The user first aligns the SFE probe in front of the test chart in desired viewpoint and takes one image. Then after putting the SFE probe down for a while, the user realigns the SFE probe with or without guidance and takes another SFE image with the attempt to replicate the same viewpoint as in the first image. Three guidance approaches are used in turn for the guidance of repositioning of SFE probe, among which, ‘without any guidance’ means that user aligns the probe only according to their memory of the desired probe position without referring to real-time SFE video, ‘with AR guidance’ means that user aligns the probe with the AR hint of desired probe position, ‘with video guidance’ means that user aligns the probe by referring to the real-time SFE video and comparing with the reference image. Three guidance approaches are used in random order for ten runs to avoid training bias. The time it takes to realign the probe to desired position is recorded. The x and y positions of the ith keypoint are measured in pixels in reference image and repetitive image as pref xi , pref yi , prep xi , prep yi . The overall keypoint displacement D of the repetitive image is then calculated according to

Among ten runs, the mean and standard deviation of D is quantified and used to evaluate the three guidance approaches along with the time.

4.2. User study

We conducted a user study to get user feedbacks for this prototype. We used a dentoform model with an extracted human tooth installed on it, as shown in Fig. 6c. The extracted human tooth has two artificial dental lesions on its interproximal surfaces. OCT 3D image, occlusal-view SFE 2D image as well as 3D surface shape scan were acquired from this sample, as shown in Fig. 7.

Six subjects were recruited and asked to conduct the tasks with the system, to walk through the workflow. Among the six subjects, three self-reported as dental students or clinicians, while the other three were general users without specialised dental knowledge. All users were new to this AR system and the workflow. The protocol that subjects were asked to perform using the Magic Leap One were as follows: (i) examine the 3D OCT image in the headset by slicing and adjusting display parameters. (ii) Use the cone to select the desired view angle. (iii) Manually align the virtual model with the real tooth. (iv) Align the SFE probe with the virtual probe model and compare two virtual probe models. The manual alignment, image-tracking-based alignment and controller-tracking-based alignment are also compared.

After the tasks were completed, the users were asked to fill out a questionnaire anonymously. See supplementary material for the template of questionnaire.

5. Results and discussion

In the quantitative measurements, we measured the augmentation quality between hologram and objects manually aligned together. We noticed the augmentation quality is influenced by jitter, perceived drift and latency, which degrade perception as well as accuracy and efficiency of the alignment procedure. Jitter is the continuous shaking of the hologram. We measured jitter within the range of 1 mm, which is at the edge of our acceptable range considering the tooth to have a dimension of around 10 mm. Perceived drift is that when the observer moves around a hologram, the perceived position of hologram drifts away. We measured the perceived drift within the range of 5 mm when the observer takes two orthogonal viewpoints. The perceived drift limits users from observing from multiple viewpoints to align probe with the hologram. However, considering that users are not able to freely move around when aligning the probe, the perceived drift may be less fatal for our prototype. Latency is the time lag of hologram update when the user moves their head and is determined by the distance of head movement. The measured latency is within range of 2 s when head motion is within the general range needed for performing the imaging procedure.

We also measured the accuracy of image-tracking-based alignment and controller-tracking-based alignment. The image-tracking-based alignment suffers from limited capability of front-facing camera. The image tracking has an error of up to 4 mm and may lose the target when the printed target image moves fast. Furthermore, when the background of environment is complicated, the image tracking may recognise the wrong target. It is recommended that the image tracking is used in well-lit space while avoiding black or very uniform surfaces as well as reflective surface like mirrors or glasses. The controller-tracking-based alignment suffers from the hologram drift when the electromagnetic sensor is rotated around or moved close to conducting surfaces. All that being said, the current image-tracking and controller-tracking-based alignment approaches suffer from instability and accuracy issues and need improvement either from hardware or from the tracking scheme design. So far, manual alignment seems to be more robust in terms of accuracy and efficiency.

The end-to-end accuracy and efficiency of manual alignment is quantified by the keypoint displacement in acquired reference SFE image and repetitive SFE image with dimension of 400 × 400 pixels. As shown in Table 1, AR guidance has the advantage of better repositioning accuracy compared to without any guidance, and the advantage of faster repositioning speed compared to using SFE real-time video for guidance. By transferring the real-time SFE video to AR headset and placing it near the operating field, we may further improve the accuracy and efficiency of our prototype.

In the user study, the average time taken to educate each subject to use the system to general proficiency (i.e. familiar with the interaction techniques and can use them to accomplish the workflow) was 15 min, which is quite fast considering their unfamiliarity to AR devices. Afterwards, all subjects were able to accomplish the protocol. During the process of prototyping and quantitative evaluation, we thought the following factors may influence the workflow and therefore included qualitative questions regarding their effects. The factors include (i) the latency which may impede the accuracy and efficiency of alignment of the tooth and probe with the virtual models due to the small scale, (ii) the available field of view of the headset. For Magic Leap One, the width and height of the AR field of view are currently the largest in the market and the interface design also avoid borders of frames to mitigate the sense of the limited field of view. However, when the user is too close to the virtual objects, the virtual objects will be cut off by a clipping plane. This limits users to work from a distance of about 37 cm away from the virtual objects, which means that the users may have to always extend their arms away from their body during the alignment tasks. Five subjects felt the latency was noticeable but it did not impede their workflow, while one dental clinician felt the latency of the headset was an impediment. Five subjects reported that the limits of the AR field of view within the headset were unnoticeable, while only one general user thought clipping plane of the headset caused discomfort/distraction during the workflow.

As for feedback on the workflow, three dental personnel all thought the AR-assisted visualisation of OCT is an improvement over standard screen display in the sense of flexible movement in space while preserving the same information as the standard display. Two dental clinicians that are familiar with the OCT image were able to localise the position of both artificial interproximal lesions (decay) and even the natural decay in the groove. The other dental student is not familiar with OCT images so was not able to do this. Although, they commented that the rendering speed of OCT image may be a problem when more 3D scans need to be acquired. All three dental personnel and one general user thought the SFE 2D imaging AR-assisted guidance is easier than without guidance, while two other general users thought it was more difficult. These two general users commented that the manual alignment of the virtual tooth model and the real tooth is complicated due to one major reason. The depth perception does not work well when you want to accurately align virtual object with real object. This is caused by an inherent issue called occlusion leak which has also been reported for other AR devices like Hololens [39] and there’s ongoing research on solving this issue [40]. The image tracking and controller tracking sometimes also suffer from instability. The choice of manual alignment versus tracking-based alignment methods seems to be up to personal preference. In terms of choice of virtual probe model, all three general users prefer the tri-colour-plane model, while three dental personnel have various preference. Therefore it is advantageous to have both virtual probe models available and provide an interface to switch between the two.

This first-ever prototype showed both clinical potential and technical limitations in our study, which we believe will be a useful reference for future research. First, the AR display can relieve clinicians or general users from the troubles of constantly switching views between patient and computer screen and the consequent hand–eye coordination problem. Importantly, the AR display preserves required information in the composite images. Second, this system can assist in the adaptation of multiple dental imaging modalities into clinical use, such as the safe and informative infrared optical imaging. Since images from multiple modalities can be integrated into the system and provide supplementary information for clinicians, this improves the learning curve of clinicians on using these new imaging modalities, and also improves the reliability and sensitivity of dental decay quantification. Notably, the prototype can be easily generalised to other dental imaging modalities available in the clinics, such as CBCT, NIR and fluorescence dental cameras. Also, most of these imaging modalities along with the intra-oral scanners are common in dental clinics. The SFE we use in this study is not commercial but expected to be a low-cost NIR imaging modality. The other addition is the AR headset which continues to get cheaper. Thus, our prototype is both generalisable and cost-effective. Lastly, the proposed solution can help repetitive imaging of dental decay for therapy monitoring, which is the core of the ideal dental care protocol of tooth decay management which maintains the integrity of teeth. There are definite limitations in our prototype reported above. Some limitations stem from the inherent restrictions of the Magic Leap One hardware, such as jitter, perceived drift, latency, occlusion leak and limited FOV. We believe that the rapid progress of AR HMD products will help resolve these limitations. Other limitations stem from our designs on the software and workflow themselves, such as the inaccuracy of manual alignment, which may be resolved by improved designs of tracking mechanism. See supplementary material for the video demo of our system in use.

6. Conclusion

In this work, we proposed an AR-assisted visualisation and guidance system for imaging of dental decay. We introduce a novel workflow which is implemented as a software application on the Magic Leap One AR headset. We evaluated the multimodal system and workflow through quantitative measurements as well as a pilot user study with the recognition that the prototype can be generalisable to other more conventional dental imaging modalities, such as 3D-CBCT and 2D-oral cameras. Thus, with the addition of an AR headset and a low-cost 2D imaging modality like SFE, our prototype can be adapted into dental clinics and rural community health centres.

7. Funding and declaration of interests

Financial support was provided by US NSF PFI:BIC 1631146 award and VerAvanti Inc. Equipment support was provided by NIH/NIDCR R21DE025356 grant and Yoshida Dental Mfg. Corp. A.S. was supported by the University of Washington (UW) Reality Lab, Facebook, Google, and Huawei. Authors have no personal conflicts of interest outside the UW. UW receives license and funding from Magic Leap Inc., and VerAvanti has licensed SFE patents from UW for medical.


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Application of augmented reality for inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia: A technical note

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Efforts to apply augmented reality (AR) technology in the medical field include the introduction of AR techniques into dental practice. The present report introduces a simple method of applying AR during an inferior alveolar nerve block, a procedure commonly performed in dental clinics.

Keywords: Augmented Reality; Dentistry; Inferior Alveolar Nerve; Nerve Block.


Augmented reality (AR) technology applies virtual information, such as three-dimensional (3D) images, to the real environment in an attempt to acquire more information than can be obtained from real situations. Efforts have been made to apply augmented reality (AR) technology in the medical field [1]. AR techniques have been introduced to the fields of oral and maxillofacial surgery and dentistry, but are not yet widely used [2,3]. In fact, the application of AR techniques in dental procedures is considered impractical due to the technical difficulties with its use.

The development of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has led to an increased use of CT in the oral and maxillofacial fields [4]. Software that reconstructs CT images into 3D images has also become widely used. Even without expensive 3D simulation software, information regarding 3D reconstruction of the jaw can easily be obtained using free or open source 3D simulation software.

Inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia is a necessary and fundamental local dental anesthetic procedure. Although anesthetic failures can occur with inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia for reasons such as poor anesthetic technique and anatomical variation, 3D anatomical positioning of the mandibular foramen is important for the procedure. The three-dimensional position of the mandibular foramen relative to the anatomical structures of the oral mucosa is helpful for the block procedure because it can be used as a reference for anesthetic injection. The present report introduces a simple method for applying AR during an inferior alveolar nerve block procedure, which is commonly performed in dental clinics.


Here we describe the generation of an AR using CT images of a patient’s mandible to create a 3D image of the mandible, combined with real images of the oral cavity. We extracted digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) files from the available mandibular CT data, including information obtained during the examination of a maxillofacial deformity or before the extraction of a mandibular third molar. The DICOM files were imported into 3D reconstruction software (i.e. Simplant [Materialise Dental, Leuven, Belgium], Mimics [Materialise, Leuven, Belgium], InVivoDental [Anatomage, San Jose, CA, USA], OnDemand3D [CyberMed Inc., Seoul, Korea], OsiriX Imaging Software [Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland], 3DSlicer open source software []) to produce 3D images of the mandible. The software must enable the reconstructed 3D mandibular images to be positioned, rotated, enlarged, and reduced. 3D movement of the mandibular image are possible with all the previously mentioned software. Using any of these software programs, DICOM data for the CT were converted to stereolithography (STL) file formats. The following is an example of a DICOM to STL conversion. The DICOM files were opened in Mimics software (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium). DICOM CT data were converted to STL files with the following settings: threshold values to construct 3D images of the CT data were set to 226–3071 Hounsfield unit (these were the threshold values previously set for bones in the Mimics program). The 3D structure quality was set to the optimal 3D calculation in the Mimics program. The areas of the temporomandibular joint and teeth were separated from the craniomaxillary area for only the mandibular segmentation in the case of the facial CT. If using the STL data of the mandible, computer-aided design-related software also are able to reconstruct 3D mandibular images for positioning, rotation, enlargement, and reduction. In the current method, Rapidform Explorer, which is free software (INUS Technology, Seoul, Korea) was used to manipulate the mandible using 3D movement for AR. Another software program (i.e. transparency_utility, Actual Transparent Window [Actual Tools, Vancouver, Canada]) that can adjust window transparency must also be installed on the same computer. To reduce the time required for the actual procedure, the steps for the preparation of the 3D mandible reconstruction should be completed prior to preparing the patient for surgery (Fig. 1).

For patients requiring an inferior alveolar nerve block for extraction of the third molar or other dental treatment, a digital camera was used to take intraoral photographs to obtain the images of the actual oral cavity immediately before administering inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia. In such cases, the patient was instructed to open his or her mouth in the same manner as during an inferior alveolar nerve block. The intraoral photographs were taken from an angle similar to the one the clinician

would use to look down at the patient’s oral cavity during the injection of a local anesthetic (Fig. 2). These photographs were uploaded to a computer to be overlapped with the 3D mandibular images (Fig. 3). Next, the 3D mandibular images displayed on the software were arbitrarily overlapped with the intraoral photographs on the computer screen (Fig. 4). Another software program was used to adjust the window transparency of the software displaying the 3D images of the mandible, until the intraoral photographs were visible in the background (Fig. 5). Finally, the 3D mandibular images were enlarged, reduced, rotated, and positioned as needed so that the positions of the teeth in the 3D images matched those in the intraoral photographs (Fig. 6).

Using this simple AR method, the superimposed images were referenced in order to locate the mandibular foramen on the intraoral view during local anesthetic injection, while performing an established procedure for inferior alveolar nerve block (Fig. 7).


In this report, we introduced a simple method for applying AR techniques to dental practice. The described AR techniques combine real images of the oral cavity with 3D mandible images generated from the CT images of a patient’s mandible. Such methods are employed in dental clinics for detection of dentofacial deformities and observation of the inferior alveolar nerve canal of the jaw [2,5].

Since free/open source software are easy to access, expensive 3D simulation software is unnecessary for the current AR method. The 3D reconstruction software allows the user to simply enlarge, reduce, and rotate 3D jaw images using only a keyboard and a mouse. Software enabling window transparency adjustment is also highly accessible and easy to use.

In the method described here, tooth areas within the CT images of the jaw were replaced using optical scanning data for these teeth and subsequently, these data were merged and reconstructed into 3D images. Next, the generated 3D mandibular images were superimposed onto real oral photographs by aligning the position of each tooth to create an augmented reality. It may not always be necessary to obtain CT images with the tooth images replaced using optical scan data, particularly when the augmentation between 3D mandibular images and oral photography is performed for the purpose of using simple AR to gain supplementary information for an inferior alveolar nerve block. However, this procedure may be required to generate sufficiently accurate 3D images of the teeth of patients with an orthodontic bracket or multiple prosthodontics. In such cases, the tooth area from the CT images should be interpreted using a digital dental cast or optical scanning of the teeth [6].

The inferior alveolar nerve block is a commonly performed procedure in the field of dentistry. It requires accurate identification of the anatomical location of the mandibular foramen, which varies among patients [7]. We are now capable of obtaining greater information about the mandibular foramen through 3D reconstruction of available CT images [8]. However, the 3D information provided by this method is limited if the technique is not accompanied by direct observation of the oral cavity. We attempted to overcome this limitation with the method described here. There is currently no defined protocol for the use of AR techniques or for the superimposition of clinical and 3D images [1,9]. In general, AR techniques involve the use of devices to monitor patient movement and reflecting these movements in an AR [10]. However, it is not yet clear how tracking devices should be used for patient movement or where on the body they must be attached [1,3]. There also remains a need to assess the accuracy of the positional information provided by these devices. Overall, the advantages of AR techniques are accompanied by multiple limitations, including the difficulty of their technical application and their limited accuracy. However, we believe that AR techniques should be used wherever they can provide useful information and can be easily used in a clinical settings. For this reason, we have introduced the simple AR techniques described herein. Future studies are needed to investigate the accuracy of the superimposition method.

In our technique described here, we attempted to create an AR on a monitor. Clinicians can view clinical images on a monitor, through transparent glass, or on a headmounted display [5], with the monitor being the simplest technique. In this study, the inferior alveolar nerve block was performed quickly and with the aim of obtaining supplementary information regarding the shape and location of the mandibular foramen. In this situation and with the patient remaining stationary, it was appropriate to view the clinical images using a monitor.

Three-dimensional anatomical positioning of the mandibular foramen is important to the procedure for an inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia. The position of the mandibular foramen should be found threedimensionally relative to the oral anatomical structures. Using the AR technique, the anatomical structures in the oral cavity that are selected as anatomical references should be easy and convenient to use regardless of the skill of the operator and the error in the positioning of the mandibular foramen should be small. Using the augmented bone structures in the oral cavity as references to optimize the position of the mandibular foramen may increase the efficiency of the procedure for an inferior alveolar nerve block. Thanks to the recent commercialization of computed tomography (CT) and the development of computer software including commercial and open software, studies of the anatomical structures of the human body have progressed. Our technique required a few more minutes to perform when compared to the conventional method for obtaining an augmented image prior to performing an inferior alveolar nerve block. Although additional time was required for AR, the current AR technique provided related informations for bony structures in the oral cavity that can be referred to during anesthetic injections in order to easily and accurately locate the position of the mandibular foramen for an inferior alveolar nerve block. These attempts at applying AR techniques to dental treatment may lead to the development of clinically applicable AR techniques. They can also be widely used for education dentistry and in the oral and maxillofacial fields.

Our technique only required a few minutes to obtain 3D CT images of the mandible, extract DICOM data, and import the data to the software prior to performing an inferior alveolar nerve block. In the clinical setting, it takes only a few seconds to transfer intraoral images from a digital camera or other device to the computer. Similarly, it required only a few seconds to adjust the window transparency of the 3D simulation software on the monitor and a minute to position, rotate, and adjust the magnification scale of the 3D images of the mandible to match the tooth area between an oral photograph and 3D mandibular image. Simple processes for applying AR techniques, as described here, may enable the routine clinical application of AR in dental practice.

Simple AR techniques, such as those described in this report, may be performed as a supplementary step in the detection of impacted teeth and jaw cysts that are difficult to observe in clinical practice. These simple attempts at applying AR techniques to medical treatment may lead to the development of clinically applicable AR techniques that can be used widely in the medical field, including dentistry and the oral and maxillofacial fields.

CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Dentistry: Highlights from the Current Research

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Many modern advancements have taken place in dentistry that have exponentially impacted the progress and practice of dentistry. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are becoming the trend in the practice of modern dentistry because of their impact on changing the patient’s experience. The use of AR and VR has been beneficial in different fields of science, but their use in dentistry is yet to be thoroughly explored, and conventional ways of dentistry are still practiced at large. Over the past few years, dental treatment has been significantly reshaped by technological advancements. In dentistry, the use of AR and VR systems has not become widespread, but their different uses should be explored. Therefore, the aim of this review was to provide an update on the contemporary knowledge, to report on the ongoing progress of AR and VR in various fields of dental medicine and education, and to identify the further research required to achieve their translation into clinical practice. A literature search was performed in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for articles in peer-reviewed English-language journals published in the last 10 years up to 31 March 2021, with the help of specific keywords related to AR and VR in various dental fields. Of the total of 101 articles found in the literature search, 68 abstracts were considered suitable and further evaluated, and consequently, 33 full-texts were identified. Finally, a total of 13 full-texts were excluded from further analysis, resulting in 20 articles for final inclusion. The overall number of studies included in this review was low; thus, at this point in time, scientifically-proven recommendations could not be stated. AR and VR have been found to be beneficial tools for clinical practice and for enhancing the learning experiences of students during their pre-clinical education and training sessions. Clinicians can use VR technology to show their patients the expected outcomes before the undergo dental procedures. Additionally, AR and VR can be implemented to overcome dental phobia, which is commonly experienced by pediatric patients. Future studies should focus on forming technological standards with high-quality data and developing scientifically-proven AR/VR gadgets for dental practice.

Keywords: augmented reality; virtual reality; dentistry; education; health


The field of dentistry has recently experienced many technological advancements that have changed the dimensions of many subspecialties of dentistry. To further improve and enhance dental education and the clinical application of dentistry, new innovations have been introduced. These include augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), which have been introduced and studied with the goal of improving dentistry. The word “virtual” in the field of computing and technology refers to something that appears to exist without being physically present in the real world. In dentistry, software is used to simulate dentofacial structures in real-time. The functionality of these anatomical structures is also simulated for a sophisticated yet complete virtual experience.

The commonly-used traditional digital technologies operate by using a digital scanner to obtain a digital image, then the operator uses the digital image to modify the different dental aspects of the patients, and then finally, the modifications are transferred to the digital wax-up. Virtual reality, however, takes laser scans of the patient’s teeth and other oral and extraoral structures as required and feeds them into a computer that forms a 3D model of the same, which is then loaded into a simulator. Dental surgeons/dental students using this simulator can practice and do evaluations before the procedure is performed on a real patient in various specialties of dentistry, i.e., oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, implantology, restorative dentistry, dental public health, and dental education [1,2]. Automated data recording is integrated into this system, making postoperative analysis and self-assessment possible for the users.

Augmented reality mainly aims to improve the clinical practice in the field of dentistry as the clinical information that is generated can be directly visualized on the patient, combining the real world with the digital world. The primary use of augmented reality in dentistry comprises the use of digital information to improve reality, which allows effective communication between the patients and dentists through the use of videos, pictures, and three-dimensional models.

AR is also an interactive technology but is distinct from virtual reality in the way that the user interacts with an integral image of the patient’s teeth/anatomical structures and works on them in a 3D environment registered using fundamental imaging techniques, and thus AR augments the physical elements with virtual elements [1]. Integral imaging stands somewhere between stereoscopy and holography, both of which have their limitations. The devices required for integral imaging are simply a liquid-crystal display (LCD) and a lens in front of the LCD. The resulting 3D image is easily viewed by the user without the need for special eyewear [3]. When digital images are placed upon real images and alterations are done virtually, the results that are intended to be clinically achieved can be experienced pre-operatively [4]. This familiarizes the patient with the steps of treatment and its outcome. In the case of a smile makeover or complete mouth rehabilitation, before any dental procedure is performed, AR enables patients to get a glimpse of what they will look like once the treatment is undertaken by the dentist/dental surgeon. This helps reduce the number of visits and is time and money-saving for both the patient and the dentist, along with many other advantages associated with the use of AR/VR.

On the other hand, virtual reality makes use of technologically advanced and customized software to visualize a digital three-dimensional reality where the user’s senses are stimulated using computer-generated feedback and sensations. Therefore, virtual reality allows the user to participate in virtual realities related to the physical reality, thus making virtual reality indistinguishable from physical reality. AR and VR differ from each other in several ways such as AR users can control their presence in the real world, but VR is system controlled. Secondly, the use of VR requires a headset device, but AR can be used with a smartphone. Moreover, VR can only enhance fictional reality, but AR can improve real and virtual worlds.

Virtual simulators have an edge over physical simulators as they allow the operator to go back in time and make amendments to the procedure that has been done. These virtual practice sessions improve the efficiency of the operating personnel and make the Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 3719 3 of 13 outcome predictable [5]. According to the degree of immersion experienced by the user, virtual reality has three broad classifications: immersive virtual reality, which consists of a head-mounted display system, non-immersive virtual reality, which is based on a computer-aided (CAD) network, and semi-immersive virtual reality, based on a cave automatic virtual environment [1,6]. In immersive virtual reality, the operator is immersed in a virtual environment where they can interact with recorded 3D images/objects using a wearable device/headset and a pen-shaped manipulator. Eye movements and leap motion of the hands are detectable through this device [4]. However, in non-immersive virtual reality, the operator interacts with 3D simulations on a desktop computer displayed on a flat-screen 2D monitor using a mouse instead of a wearable device and manipulates the virtual images without being a part of a virtual scenario [4].

In regard to the sub-specialties of dentistry, so far, augmented reality and virtual reality have been mostly applied in the fields of dental implantology and orthognathic surgery. In augmented reality scenarios, the visual information gathered by registering anatomical structures and overlaying them on actual operative sites provides better guidance for surgical and other dental procedures. In some AR systems, 2D-projected computer graphics (CG) do not provide the viewer with the perception of depth at the surgical site, thus reducing the safety and accuracy of the procedure. Hence 3D images generated either via stereoscopy [3], integral imaging (or integral photography) and holographic display [7] are projected onto the site of the procedure, which enables the user to spatially visualize and perceive the depth of tissues from all locations, which enhances safety and accuracy. Furthermore, the contemporary Microsoft Hololens waveguide AR system, significantly advances the optical design of current AR display systems and may also be applied to a broad range of optical systems, including high-precision imaging, sensing, and advanced photonic devices [6].

The purpose of this review was to provide an update on the contemporary knowledge, to report on the ongoing progress of AR and VR in various fields of dental medicine and education, and to identify further research needs that will achieve their clinical translation.

2. Materials and Methods

For this review, an electronic search was performed via PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar using the terms “Augmented Reality”, “Virtual Reality”, “AR and VR”, “AR and Dentistry”, “VR and Dentistry”, “Use of AR and VR in Dentistry”, “AR/VR and dental education”, for published research articles from the year 2011 to 2021. A secondary search was further performed after analyzing the list of articles that met the pre-determined inclusion criteria of the study. Three independent researchers S.F., A.M. and N.A., read the articles that were retrieved by the search engines, and studies that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded. Due to the heterogeneity of the design of the included studies, a systematic review and meta-analyses could not be performed. Therefore, a narrative review with the “best-evidence synthesis” [8] approach was carried out. The pre-determined inclusion criteria for this study were as follows:

  • Clinical trials
  • Case-control studies
  • Observational studies
  • Studies where AR and VR have focused on dentistry
  • Studies in the English Language

The studies that were excluded from this study were:

  • Review articles
  • Short communications
  • Letters to Editors
  • Studies in languages other than English

The data that were collected from the studies were extracted by the investigators and then noted under the following headings: “authors”, “year of publication”, “study type”, “sample size”, “outcomes”, and “field of dentistry”. Any disagreement amongst the investigators was solved by discussion with a third reviewer, A.L.

3. Outcomes of Literature Search

The initial search of the databases resulted in a total of 101 articles. After analysis of the abstracts, title, and duplications of the studies, 81 articles were removed based on the inclusion criteria specified for this review. A total of 20 articles that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this review article.

The general characteristics of the studies included in this study have been described in Table 1. AR and VR have been successfully used in various fields of dentistry such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, endodontics, dental implantology, and dental public health. Dental anxiety is a problematic experience for both patients and dentists, especially pediatric patients. Such anxieties have been successfully reduced by the use of AR and VR whereby children were subjected to watching cartoons using virtual reality goggles, resulting in a decrease in heart rates and pain scores [9,10]. The use of AR and VR has further improved the surgical accuracy and duration of surgery along with the manual dexterity of surgeons who employ the use of AR and VR [11–14]. The development of AR devices has allowed users to combine all sorts of information and images that are converted into reality. Furthermore, orbital reconstruction and placement of the dental implants in the alveolar bones of patients require rigorous planning and surgical skills for optimal outcomes, which are further enhanced by the use of AR and VR [12,15].

The use of AR and VR has been introduced into operative dentistry residency training, which helps the residents to improve their confidence and knowledge by practicing the skills virtually before the implementation of their skills on patients [16]. Trauma is a common finding in dentistry, ranging from trauma affecting a single tooth to large facial fractures. Traumas and tumors are known to involve the orbits, so the introduction of the use of AR and VR in the reconstruction of the orbit has been used successfully [17]. Moreover, in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery, the use of AR and VR in performing mandibular angle oblique split osteotomy has been studied, and improved and effective results were obtained [18]. The use of AR technology in oblique split osteotomy proved to be helpful for controlling maxillary translocation during orthognathic surgery.

Since CT scans form an integral part of treatment planning and the execution of the treatment of patients, AR and VR were introduced in CT-scan imaging for oral and maxillofacial surgery to provide images of higher quality [6]. Such CT-scan images provided better visualization for surgeons, of various anatomic structures in the area of the operative field. For a successful root canal treatment, the, detection of all canal orifices is crucial, so AR and VR use in endodontics has been explored with real-time detection of root canal orifices [19]. Since it is known that the identification of all root canal orifices is of prime importance for the success of root canal treatment, the use of AR and VR technology in endodontics can prove to be fruitful for endodontists.

For the correction of malocclusion in patients, at times, surgical corrections are required during their orthodontic treatment. So, AR and VR have been used in patients requiring surgical orthodontics where the guided placement of brackets for orthodontics correction was performed [20]. This method captured several sequences of patients’ video to help improve the robustness, performance, and accuracy for more efficient orthodontic treatment. For students, to improve their knowledge and clinical skills, AR and VR have been introduced to further improve the level of education of students during their undergraduate years [21].

4. Applications of AR and VR in Dentistry

4.1. AR and VR in Dental Specialties

AR and VR have their use in a variety of specialties of dentistry, as presented in Figure 1. AR and VR technologies have a promising role in the field of dentistry. The details of its application in oral health are described below.

4.2. AR and VR in Dental Education/Training

Traditionally, the training of dental students has been conducted on phantom headsand teeth to practice and improve their clinical skills before performing treatments onpatients. These simulators allow teachers to demonstrate the treatment techniques andaim to enhance the manual dexterity of the students. The use of such simulators makes itmandatory for the students to give their teachers constant feedback about their progressbefore moving to different treatment techniques.

In the delivery of dental education and training, instructors can help students andPG residents to achieve precision in pre-clinical/clinical skills, respectively, with 3D real-time digital simulations as well [1,9]. Learning and retaining the anatomy of the headand neck is a crucial part of dental education. Lectures and 2D images from textbooks ofanatomy have been used for teaching this subject to students [10]. In this traditional modeof teaching, cadaveric skulls are commonly employed, and students are instructed throughthese. However, the visualization of all associated muscular, neural, vascular, and otherstructures is quite challenging for students and it is not fully effective either [22].

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, students suffered due to limited learningopportunities and the ability to enhance their pre-clinical skills as students could not trainat their universities without the instructor’s direct supervision. Therefore, helping thesestudents to learn while controlling the spread of COVID-19 has been the most challeng-ing aspect for the universities. Amidst the quest for better teaching methodologies, onegroup described an innovative technique to teach clinically relevant anatomy to studentsof dentistry that replaces cadavers with dissected and sliced plastinated specimens [8].However, one recent study incorporated digital tools and a 3D augmented curriculum,which is an interactive 3D experience that combines the view of the actual world withelements generated by computers along with traditional teaching methods (lectures andcadavers). The study demonstrated improved understanding and a positive influence on the retention of anatomical knowledge in students as compared to the control group (taughtvia textbooks/2D images) [23].To further increase the knowledge of dental students, virtual reality allows the studentsto watch oral treatments as a direct participant. Moreover, students can also try to reproducethe oral treatment scenario under the guidance of professionals.

4.3. AR and VR in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral pathologies such as oral squamous cell carcinoma, cleft lip and palate, and congenitalabnormalities are common findings that are treated by oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Manyof these pathologies are treated by surgeons using their manual dexterity along with theiryears of experience. In recent years, many technological advancements have taken place inthe field of surgery such as the introduction of augmented and virtual reality [24].

The application of AR and VR technology has been explored in many surgical fields ofmedical science, such as laparoscopic surgery, neurosurgery, and plastic surgery. In dentistry, the use of AR in oral and maxillofacial surgery has focused on the placement of dental implants, craniofacial surgery, and orthognathic surgery. The use of AR technology allowsthe users to combine information and images to bring them to reality.

The training period of surgical residents is a crucial phase where the residents learn and practice their surgical skills on different simulators before actually performing on patients. Pulijala et al. [14] evaluated the effectiveness of virtual reality in surgical training and found that many of the surgeons were not confident about performing the surgeries. With the introduction and implementation of VR technologies, this has resulted in surgical residentsimproving their knowledge and confidence whilst performing the surgeries. VR is an additional tool that has immense importance in further enhancing the skills already possessed by surgeons to achieve optimal outcomes that boost confidence amongst surgeons.

Inferior alveolar block anesthesia is one of the most fundamental anesthesia used in dentistry to operate on the mandibular teeth for procedures such as root canal treatment, extractions, dental fillings, and complex surgeries. Many factors have been associated with the failure of inferior alveolar block anesthesia such as poor technique, and anatomical variations. In a study by Won et al. [17], AR was used for inferior alveolar block anesthesia and it was concluded the use of AR in this block anesthesia can improve the effectiveness when block anesthesia is used alone. AR helps in improving the precision and accuracy of using block anesthesia as the images that are directly generated from the patient help in converting those images to reality.

One of the most widely studied applications of AR and VR in dentistry is orthognathic surgery. The prime advantage of using AR-guided navigation tools is that it provides real surgical images and virtual surgical plans to guide through the treatment plan. One of the important surgical procedures in orthognathic surgery is mandibular angle split osteotomy. Mandibular angle split osteotomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to improve the prominent mandibular angle, thereby improving the aesthetics of the patient. In their study, Zhu et al. [18] used AR for mandibular angle split osteotomy and found that the use of AR enhances the translocation of the maxilla in orthognathic surgery. The use of such AR systems allows surgeons to operate real-time streaming video images that allow them to plan the surgery and study the anatomical structures of the patient, thus enhancing the accuracy of such orthognathic surgical procedures.

The use of AR has also been studied in distraction osteogenesis. In a study by Qu et al. [25], patients suffering from hemi facial macrosomia were treated with an intraoral distractor using AR and it was found that AR was more accurate in proper positioning of the osteotomy planes as compared to the conventional methods. Additionally, one study explored the use of AR systems where images were overlaid, which allowed surgeons to observe and follow the virtual surgical plans to reposition the bones of the patient after performing maxillary osteotomies [5]. Additionally, to further enhance the surgical skills, VR technology replicated different functions such as drilling, place fixation, and bone sawing with the help of hepatic force feedback [28,29].

So, the importance of VR and AR in oral and maxillofacial surgery can be appreciated given the improved accuracy of the surgery performed, the decrease in the chance of errors by the surgeons, and the unlimited number of training sessions available to surgeons. Therefore, VR and AR as an adjunct can prove to be useful tools for surgeons.

4.4. AR and VR in Paediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is one of the most challenging specialties of dentistry as the commonest factor determining the treatment outcomes in such patients is their compliance. To improve patient cooperation and compliance, different tools have been used ranging from the armamentarium of the dentist, such as behavior modification, and pharmacological interventions. Pediatric patients who are visiting the dental practice often present with tremendous amounts of anxiety as most of the time it is their first interaction with dentists [30]. So, managing the anxieties and behavior of children is one of the crucial factors in patient management.

To decrease the levels of anxiety and stress of such patients, virtual reality is one of the innovative tools that have been discussed in the literature, although to a limited extent. Different techniques to manage anxiety include in vivo exposure therapy (IVET) and virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET). IVET consists of the direct confrontation of patient’s fear to reduce their anxiety levels and this method has been categorized as a gold standard method. VRET is a recent technique that consists of computer-generated images for patients where the simulation makes the patient experience their fears without facing them in reality, thereby helping them to reduce their anxiety [31]. In a study by Ran et al. [9], the effect of virtual reality on the behavioral management of children was studied, where it was concluded that the average anxiety and behavioral scores of the patients with virtual reality was significantly reduced as compared to the control group. Since virtual reality makes use of interactive and creative audiovisual representations of information that is attractive to children, such a method of anxiety reduction can be beneficial.

Another study by Osama et al. [10] assessed the effect of virtual reality on the pain and anxiety of pediatric patients during infiltration anesthesia, where it was found that virtual reality was effective in reducing the anxiety and stress of these patients. Since the patients experience the entire scenario virtually before the actual procedure commences, this helps patients to understand the treatment and face their fears. So, one of the most important factors that determine the treatment outcomes in patients in this age group is the anxiety and stress associated with visiting the dental practice. Virtual reality can help to provide an artificial environment that is more relaxing for the patients, which can help them forget their fears.

4.5. AR and VR in Dental Implantology

Many advances have been made in dentistry in regard to the replacement of missing teeth or teeth in the mandibular and maxillary arches of patients such as removable dentures, fixed dental prostheses, and dental implants. Dental implants have emerged as a suitable and preferable choice for many patients because of their high success rate and the long-term benefits associated with them [27,32]. The introduction of AR technology in dental implants has significantly improved many procedures associated with the placement of implants. Initially, the AR surgical navigation technology was used to place implants using the retinal imaging display as the surgeon keeps his visual on the operative area, avoiding the need for the surgeon to turn away [33].

In a study by Jiang et al. [12], it was found that the use of augmented reality resulted in higher accuracy and applicability for guided placement of dental implants as compared to the traditional two-dimensional navigational method. Such AR navigation systems help the surgeon to concentrate only on the site of the implant placement, thereby providing only useful information to the surgeon, which eventually reduces the cost and time of the procedure [34]. It is of prime importance that the location of the implants should be as accurate as possible because negligence in this step of implant placement could be one of the factors responsible for future implant failure.

Moreover, one study used augmented reality-based dental implant placement to evaluate the virtual placement of the implant as compared to the actual prepared implant site created [27]. In this study, it was found that the use of augmented reality resulted in a significantly decreased deviation in implant placement from the actual planned site. Since AR navigation-based systems help the surgeon to accurately locate and place the dental implants, the accuracy of such procedures thereby increases as compared to the traditional methods.

The placement of the dental implant is a surgical procedure, so with the help of VR technology, patients have an opportunity to get a detailed explanation of the treatment and what they will experience while the treatment is being performed. Complete information given to the patients with the help of VR makes them better prepared mentally.

4.6. AR and VR in Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics

Restorative dentistry and endodontics are some of the most challenging and exhausting fields of dentistry. In order to treat diseases such as dental caries, pulpitis, and dental abscess, knowledge and clinical skills are required to become a proficient clinician [35]. A high caries rate is prevalent throughout the globe, which mandates a visit the dentist and may require dental fillings or even root canal treatment as well. These treatments are performed to save a tooth that might require extraction if not managed in a timely fashion. Many factors are associated with failed dental fillings and endodontic treatments such as isolation, poor technique, smoking, under filled canals, and missed canals [19].

Conventionally, students are first trained in the laboratory on a phantom head where the mannequin mimics the patient, which allows the students to work as if they are working on an actual patient as in a clinical setup [36]. Procedures such as cavity preparation are practiced on these mannequins by the students. In a study by Llena et al. [16], cavity preparation using AR technology was studied. In this study, it was found that the participants that used AR technology showed an improvement in their knowledge and skills. With the help of AR, realistic simulations can be delivered to the students in order to practice and improve their clinical skills without the need for live test subjects.

To overcome the chances of failure in endodontic treatments in patients, augmented reality has been used in endodontics for the reliable detection of root canals. In a study by Bruellmann et al. [19], augmented reality was used to detect root canals where it was found that overall higher sensitivity was noted in detecting root canals in molars and premolars. The success rate of root canal treatment directly depends on identifying all of the root canals as any missed canal has pulp remnants that might trigger pain for the patient [37,38].

5. Clinical Implications of Haptic Feedback in AR/VR

Haptic feedback refers to the experience of physical resistance or vibration upon manipulating oral structures with a hand-held VR tool. Augmented or virtual reality combined with haptic feedback provides a realistic environment for dental operations. Dental procedures mostly require a bi-manual technique of instrumentation inside the oral cavity. Simulating this with haptic feedback is a challenge for software developers in the healthcare industry. Simulating the force response of oral structures and contact of rigid and deformable structures is necessary to carry out accurate haptic interactions in a virtual environment [39].

Practicing on virtual patients with real-time haptic feedback allows dental surgeons or students to perform routine and complex procedures quickly and with efficacy, although some studies have pointed out serious limitations for users working with haptics [40].

6. Whether to Embrace AR/VR Systems or Not?

In dentistry, the potential impact of the AR and VR technology is tremendous because all the natural occurrences that take place when a procedure is performed on a real patient can be simulated as well, e.g., during training for a root canal procedure, bleeding upon perforation of the pulpal floor can be experienced by immersion in the virtual environment (VR goggles plus haptic peripherals) [41]. Given the recent pandemic, a keen focus on the education of dental students utilizing cutting-edge technology is warranted to enhance clinical skills [42]. Research in the field of dentistry can also employ AR/VR systems to investigate study participants remotely in a 4D environment (Hologram); this would reduce study-related expenditures as well and conveniently tackle the issue of ethical sensitivity in some studies. With virtual reality simulators, the wastage of materials is reduced as students/dentists do not need to practice on artificial teeth and models [43].

Therefore, virtual reality applications are also beneficial in preserving the natural environment. The benefits of AR/VR-based dentistry and conventional dentistry are shown in Table 2. All such results have led to a surge in interest in these technologies. However, the visual fatigue caused by a stereoscopic view in children and adults is concerning [3]. Pediatric and geriatric patients in dental care settings could be negatively affected by frequent and repeated exposures to AR/VR environments [9,10,38,44,45]. This needs to be evaluated through repeated randomized control trials (RCTs) of dental procedure-based simulations in patients of different age groups. Based on cognitive load theory (CLT), explorative studies with appropriate and validated questionnaires given to large numbers of participants should be conducted to validate the reports of cyber sickness and sensory overload associated with AR/VR-based training and treatments.

When there is an equipment failure in dental clinics, it might take a long period of time for the technician to arrive and perform the repair. However, with the help of AR, a repair can be performed quickly by the use of a head-mounted display where the dentist coordinates with the technician remotely and repairs the equipment themselves [46–49]. However, since the cost of AR and VR technology is high for the majority of dental clinics, the benefits of such technology are yet to be further explored.

7. Future Recommendations

Virtual reality creates a learning opportunity for dental surgeons to practice safe and efficient dentistry with a constant feedback mechanism. The current ongoing pandemic has demonstrated the importance of infection control in all healthcare environments now more than ever. Considering this, augmented and virtual reality-based dentistry may be even more applicable post-pandemic than before. It cannot be stressed enough that educators and clinicians need to consider the pros and cons before investing in the armamentarium required for AR/VR applications. Collaboration between experts working in the fields of Medical Informatics and Public Health Informatics with clinicians to translate AR and VR-based treatment planning and procedures into routine clinical work is an active area for future research. Moreover, further exploration is needed to evaluate the usefulness of AR/VR in dental education for different dental practitioners to practice different treatments independently.

8. Conclusions

The field of dentistry is advancing at a rapid pace, in this regard, new technologies are being developed that a dentist could benefit from; these benefits include better visualization potential, reduced operative time, better patient consultation and promising treatment outcomes. The use of AR and VR has been studied in different fields of dentistry, but there were limited studies assessing its use. In this review, augmented reality and virtual reality have been found to be beneficial tools for clinical practice in the field of oral maxillofacial surgery, preventive dentistry, endodontics, and orthodontics. Clinicians can use virtual reality technology to show their patients the expected outcomes before they even undergo any procedures. AR and VR also have a potential role in dental education through enhancing the learning experience for students during their pre-clinical education and training. Additionally, AR and VR can also be implemented to overcome dental phobia, which is commonly experienced by pediatric patients. Future studies should focus on forming technological standards with high-quality data and developing scientifically proven AR/VR gadgets for dental practice.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.L., S.F., N.A., M.K.A., A.M., G.D., S.S. and A.A.G.K.; methodology, A.L., S.F., N.A. and A.M.; software, N.A., G.D., M.K.A. and A.M.; validation, M.K.A., N.A. and A.L.; formal analysis, A.L. and N.A.; investigation, A.L., S.S. and A.M.; resources, M.K.A., A.A.G.K. and S.S.; data curation, A.L. and N.A.; writing—original draft preparation, A.L., S.F., N.A., M.K.A., A.M., S.S. and A.A.G.K.; writing—review and editing, N.A., M.K.A. and A.M.; visualization, A.L., M.K.A. and N.A.; supervision. A.M. and N.A.; project administration, A.L., N.A. and S.F.; funding acquisition, M.K.A., G.D., S.S. and A.A.G.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Funding: This research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University, Abha-Asir, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the Small Research Group, with the grant number, RGP.1/336/42.

Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.

Acknowledgments: Authors thankfully acknowledge the Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University, Abha-Asir, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for funding this research work under the Small Research Group, with the grant number, RGP.1/336/42.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Computer-Based Technologies in Dentistry: Types and Applications

Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (2016; Vol. 13, No. 3)


During dental education, dental students learn how to examine patients, make diagnosis, plan treatment and perform dental procedures perfectly and efficiently. However, progresses in computer-based technologies including virtual reality (VR) simulators, augmented reality (AR) and computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems have resulted in new modalities for instruction and practice of dentistry. Virtual reality dental simulators enable repeated, objective and assessable practice in various controlled situations. Superimposition of three-dimensional (3D) virtual images on actual images in AR allows surgeons to simultaneously visualize the surgical site and superimpose informative 3D images of invisible regions on the surgical site to serve as a guide. The use of CAD/CAM systems for designing and manufacturing of dental appliances and prostheses has been well established. This article reviews computer-based technologies, their application in dentistry and their potentials and limitations in promoting dental education, training and practice. Practitioners will be able to choose from a broader spectrum of options in their field of practice by becoming familiar with new modalities of training and practice.

Keywords: Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy; Immersion; Computer-Aided Design; Dentistry; Education


Computer-based technologies play an important role in all aspects of our daily life as well as in dentistry. Simplified interactions between human and computer have caused a profound progress in virtual reality (VR)-based dental training. On the other hand, computer-aided design/computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) of dental appliances and prostheses is now widely used around the globe [1]. Although many dentists have become familiar with CAD/CAM subgroup of computer-based technologies in the recent years, VR and augmented reality (AR) techniques, which are going to find their place in learning and instruction of dental skills, are not as much known [2].

In this article, different types of computer-based technologies including VR and AR simulators, CAD/CAM systems and their applications in dentistry are reviewed.

Virtual Reality Technology

Virtual reality technology is defined as a method by which, an environment is three dimensionally simulated or replicated, giving the user a sense of being inside it, controlling it, and personally interacting with it [3,4]. The virtual environments are almost completely generated by computers [5]. Technology has a wide range of probable benefits in many aspects of life like construction of a building by providing a highly detailed virtual three-dimensional (3D) model of the building to verify each part of the plan, the cost and layout [6]. Similarly, in designing a new product, the virtual prototype can be used instead of physical prototypes to evaluate the design from different aspects [6]. In the medical field, VR is used for instruction of surgical procedures [7,8], education of patients and training students [9-12]. It also helps in treatment of psychological disorders by providing a valid controlled virtual environment to objectively assess the behavior and rehabilitate cognitive and functional abilities [3]. It is successfully used for treatment of complex regional pain syndrome as well [13]. The 3D virtual sceneries help improve dental experience via distraction intervention [14].

Features of VR

Virtual reality depends on two basic features namely immersion and interaction.

Immersion is the sense of being present in a virtual (non-real) environment. The environment is generated by synthesizing 3D images, sound and other stimuli, which surround the users and make them feel being physically present in a nonphysical (non-real) world [15]. The degree to which, the user believes being present in a virtual environment (immersion) is different in various systems ranging from fully immersive to non-immersive, depending on the capabilities of the system [6].

Interaction is the power of user to modify the virtual environment [15]. This feature is the main difference between 3D movies and virtual environments. In VR systems, the user is able to interact with the virtual world, moving around it, seeing it from different angles, reaching it, grabbing it and reshaping it. This sort of interaction is possible by means of head mounted video goggles, wired clothing and fiber-optic data gloves. Position-tracking devices and real-time update of visual, auditory displaying systems are also necessary [16].

Types of VR Systems

Virtual reality systems are classified into three major groups of non-immersive, semi-immersive and immersive (Fig. 1) based on the immersion and type of components utilized in the system [6].

Immersive VR simulation is a technology that gives the user the psychophysical experience of being surrounded completely by a virtual computer-generated environment (Fig. 2) by using hardware, software and interaction devices. Full immersion is the highest level of immersion, which is produced by a head mounted device that displays images three dimensionally via a process known as stereoscopy. In this process, the user sees two images -one per eye- and the brain combines them into a single 3D image. The other components are data gloves, which enable the person to interact with the objects, for example, pulling, twisting or gripping them and may also give a force feedback to the user, which is known as haptic. There are also tracking devices, which track user’s head, hands, fingers, eyes and feet to enable interaction with the virtual world. Sound is displayed as well. In fully immersive virtual environments the user is completely separated from the real world [17].

Semi-immersive VR simulation is a system in which the user stands in a room with rear projection walls, down projection floor, speakers at different angles, tracking sensors in the walls and sound/music devices (Fig. 3). By wearing eye goggles, the user sees everything three dimensionally. Since the user can still see him/herself, the system is not considered a fully immersive simulator. Cave Automatic Virtual Environment is an example of these systems [18].

Non-immersive VR simulation is the least immersive and least expensive of all. It allows the user to be involved with a 3D environment just by incorporating a stereo display monitor and glasses. They can be run on a standard desktop computer using mouse and joystick (Fig. 4). It is mostly used in designing and CAD systems [17].

Applications of VR in Dentistry

Although the VR simulation systems are used in different aspects of medical training such as laparoscopic surgery [19], their use in dentistry is not an easy task. The reason can be sought in complexity of dental instruments in type, shape and speed, and the diversity of oral tissues, which include gingiva, multilayer teeth and bone.

To simulate tooth reduction in dental virtual reality systems, the operator uses a stylus, which with the help of worn special goggles appears as the intended instrument like high or low speed hand piece in the 3D displaying stereoscopic monitor. The process mandates accurate digitized models of the instruments and oral cavity tissues and sophisticated graphic programs for showing the reduction of tooth. Unlike the monolayer resin models generally used for preclinical training, different layers of tooth like enamel, dentin and dental pulp are modeled in VR systems. This helps dental students to avoid unintentional exposure of dental pulp during preliminary clinical practice [20].

The differentiation between various structures or speed of the instrument is only possible with the help of haptic devices. They enable the user to feel the force required for each practice (force feedback) and provide a realistic tactile sense, just like working on real structures with real instruments.

In surgery, haptic devices allow surgeons to touch and feel objects such as surgical tools and human organs in a virtual environment, and to perform operations like pushing, pulling, and cutting of soft or hard tissue with realistic force feedback. Another advantage of VR simulators is that they are programmed to identify errors and assess the quality of performance. Experts determine the errors and the best performances, which would be the basis for comparison and assessment. The system is able to record and replay the performance of each user as well, which allows them to know their faults and fix them. It is also possible to practice and receive assessment as many times as required at any time, which is not possible with programmed traditional classroom instruction [21].

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality refers to superimposition of computer-generated graphics over a real-world scene [22]. In contrast to VR simulators, in AR the real environment is not completely suppressed and in fact plays a dominant role in this process (Table 1). Augmented reality aims to add synthetic additives to the real world (or to a live video of the real world) instead of engaging a person in a world, which is completely generated by a computer [23]. It is widely used in image guided surgery, where real and virtual objects need to be composed, integrated, presented or manipulated simultaneously in a single scene [24]. It is also applied in dental implantation, maxillofacial surgery, temporomandibular joint motion analysis and prosthetic surgery [8,9].

One of the main uses of AR in oral and maxillofacial surgery is in visualization of deep masked structures. Before surgery, the surgeon would be able to map the surgical plan on the 3D image of the site and consider any necessary modifications. During surgery, the surgeon sees and follows the mapped image overlaid on the surgical site by use of special glasses. This system can be developed for root canal therapy as well [24].

In some systems, both AR and VR technologies are used together in order to enhance the training capacity of the system. Developers of such systems believe that this integration improves the performance of users.

Future of VR and AR in Dentistry

The VR and robotics as new technologies will have a great impact on health care in the next decades [25]. The dynamic association of operation on a real organ with imaging data may create new modes of diagnosis and treatment for technically challenging patients. Experienced surgeons will benefit the most from such systems by extending the safe limit for more efficient operations, while less experienced surgeons may at least benefit from better visualization and orientation of critical anatomical landmarks [8]. The VR and AR systems seem promising, but there are still technological challenges that researchers and developers must face in order to fulfill these promises.

Dental CAD/CAM Systems

The evolution of dental materials and advances in computer science led to a rapid development in dental CAD/CAM technology. During the past couple of decades, many advanced chairside and laboratory CAD/CAM systems were introduced. Computers are used to collect data and design and manufacture a wide range of products in CAD/CAM systems. These systems have long been used in industries but they were not available for dental applications until the 1980s [26]. Nowadays, the term CAD/CAM in dentistry is equal to manufacturing by milling technology. However, it is not completely true, because manufacturing can either be by subtractive (milling) or additive technologies [27,28].

The CAD/CAM systems consist of three components:

1- A digitization tool/scanner that transforms geometry of a real world object into digital data to enable processing by a computer.

2- Software for data processing.

3- A technology, which manufactures the desired product from the digitized data set [27].

At present, many fixed prosthetic restorations are manufactured by the CAD/CAM systems, using different types of materials such as porcelain, composite resin and metallic blocks. Even materials like zirconia, which could not be manufactured by the conventional methods previously because of technical limitations, can now be fabricated by these systems [29]. The CAD/CAM systems are going to find substantial applications in implant dentistry to manufacture implant-supported prostheses, abutments and diagnostic templates [30].

The main benefit of this type of manufacturing in dentistry is that conventional impressions are not needed anymore, which is believed to save the dentist’s chair time and eliminate a time-consuming step [31]. Table 2 shows the advantages and limitations of CAD/CAM systems. The CAD/CAM techniques and rapid prototyping are extensively used in treatment of maxillofacial defects and surgeries [32]. These techniques are also used for designing and manufacturing removable partial denture metal frameworks through 3D printing [33] and by collecting 3D data from the patient’s cast, determining the path of insertion and designing the shape of the components of the frameworks digitally. The completed model data are stored as stereo lithography files, which are transferred to rapid prototyping models. Finally, metal removable partial denture frameworks are fabricated by selective laser melting technique [34].

The CAD/CAM technology is used in orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning [35] and fabrication of appliances (Invisalign Production Process) which include submitting of the scan or impressions and photographs to the company with the doctor’s instructions. These intraoral scans or impressions will be used to design an accurate 3D digital model for each dental arch, after that a stereolithographic model will be fabricated for each step. Finally, a clear plastic aligner will be made over each model, and the set of aligners are then sent directly to the doctor [36].

Also, it is used in determining the position of impacted maxillary canines and for the fabrication of occlusal splints. However, CAD/CAM/additive manufacturing innovations have not been used successfully on a wide scale for removable orthodontic appliances [35].

In the CAD-CAM systems, virtual articulator is a basic tool that deals primarily with the functional aspects of the occlusion and is a core tool in many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. With the introduction of virtual articulators a bright future will be expected and a revolutionary change will occur in digital dentistry [2]. Table 3 shows the applications of computer-based technologies in dental aspects.


At present, computer-based technologies are well established in designing and manufacturing dental appliances and prostheses. However, simulation systems for the instruction of dental skills are the new modalities not much known or widely used and only a few dental schools are using them at the time being. These systems are under constant progress and development. They are still too expensive and their maintenance and repair costs are high like any other new technology. On the other hand, computer-assisted skill acquisition in conjunction with traditional training would enable students to practice repeatedly, with constant assessment and force feedback, which is not routinely possible with resin models. In the surgical fields, simulation systems enable the students to practice in real mode on virtual subjects. They also offer visual information about the surgical site, which is of great use for the surgeons.


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Computerized Virtual Reality Simulation in Preclinical Dentistry: Can a Computerized Simulator Replace the Conventional Phantom Heads and Human Instruction?

Copyright © 2017 by the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

(Sim Healthcare 12:332–338, 2017)

Summary Statement: In preclinical dental education, the acquisition of clinical, technical skills, and the transfer of these skills to the clinic are paramount. Phantom heads provide an efficient way to teach preclinical students dental procedures safely while increasing their dexterity skills considerably. Modern computerized phantom head training units incorporate features of virtual reality technology and the ability to offer concurrent augmented feedback. The aims of this review were to examine and evaluate the dental literature for evidence supporting their use and to discuss the role of augmented feedback versus the facilitator’s instruction. Adjunctive training in these units seems to enhance student’s learning and skill acquisition and reduce the required faculty supervision time. However, the virtual augmented feedback cannot be used as the sole method of feedback, and the facilitator’s input is still critical. Well-powered longitudinal randomized trials exploring the impact of these units on student’s clinical performance and issues of cost-effectiveness are warranted.

Key Words: Dental education, faculty, simulation training

Operative dentistry is a demanding area of clinical education. [1] The development of clinical competence requires the assimilation of large amounts of knowledge combined with the acquisition of clinical skills and problem-solving ability. [1] One of the most essential clinical skills in operative dentistry is preparing and restoring carious teeth. The student needs to comprehend the concepts of the procedure and develop the fine motor skills to perform it.[2] The acquisition of clinical, technical skills, and the transfer of these skills to the clinic, where real patients are treated, is of paramount importance.[3] This can be achieved by vigorous training on phantom heads.[4] Phantom heads provide an efficient way to teach preclinical students dental procedures safely while increasing their psychomotor skills considerably.[4,5]

Phantom heads have been the cornerstone of learning in operative dentistry worldwide since their introduction in 1894.[4] The phantom head is affixed to a dental operating unit with a torso, in a manner that allows adjustment of position to allow the students to work in a seated position as they would in a clinical setting.[3] The heads also have a rubber sheet, which provides an approximation of the patient’s cheeks and mouth opening (Fig. 1).[3] Phantom heads replicate the real-life clinical environment including positioning of the operator and the patient, performing dental procedures with an assistant, and infection control procedures.3 Traditionally in preclinical simulation training, the students are shown models, diagrams, and pictures and are asked to repeatedly perform dental procedures on plastic phantom head teeth.[6]The learners receive verbal feedback by a faculty instructor when they have completed all or a portion of a cavity or tooth preparation task (Fig. 2).[7]

In recent years, technological advances have facilitated the incorporation of virtual reality simulation technology in preclinical operative dental education. Virtual reality simulators provide the opportunity for integrating clinical case scenarios in the operative teaching environment and also facilitating the tactile diagnostic skills by utilizing haptic technology.[1] To date, two types of computerized virtual reality dental simulators are available: mannequin-based simulators on which certain dental procedures can be performed using real dental instruments (eg, DentSim TM and Image Guided Implantology IGI both produced by the DenX, Ltd) and haptic-based simulators, which employ a haptic device and virtual models of a human tooth or mouth as a platform for facilitating the practice of dental procedures (eg, PHANToM TM, Virtual Reality Dental Training System VRDTS, Iowa Dental Surgical Simulator, HapTEL, VirDenT & Moog Simodont Dental Trainer).[1,5,6]

The mannequin-based computerized simulators combine the benefits of training on a traditional phantom head operating unit,[3] with the benefits of virtual reality simulation.[8] These computerized virtual reality simulators (CVRS) were the focus of this review.

A computerized phantom head dental simulator, which incorporates virtual reality features and provides augmented visual feedback, is the DentSim unit.[1] It has been available since 1997 and has been used and evaluated in Dental Institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia.[1,6,9–11] The unit includes a phantom head, a dental hand piece, a light source, an infrared camera, and two computers.

The phantom head and handpiece contain infrared emitters that allow the infrared camera to detect their spatial orientation in space.[6,8] As a student prepares a cavity in the phantom head, the software formulates a virtual three-dimensional representation of the preparation in progress, which is presented on the computer screen (Fig. 3).[6,8] The student’s cavity preparation can be compared with the ideal cavity preparation by overlaying the two virtual reality images at any time during the procedure[.6,8,12] Procedural errors are audio signaled as they are made and the generated error messages can be viewed immediately.[12]

A final evaluation report and a list of errors become available at the end of the procedure.6,12 The virtual environment is enhanced with complete patient records including examination notes and radiographs, which provide a more realistic environment, bringing the technical tasks into a clinical context, during the simulation training.12 The aim of this review was to examine and evaluate the existing body of literature on the use of the CVRS in preclinical dental education. The impact on student’s performance and learning experience, as well as the role of the faculty instruction versus the augmented visual feedback provided by these units, in the clinical skills acquisition simulation training, is discussed.


A search of the literature was performed searching the following databases via EBSCO: Medline, British Educational Index, and ERIC. The search terms used and the search strategy can be found in Table 1. Articles in which the CVRS were discussed in terms of preclinical dental education were included. Studies using CVRS in postgraduate dental education as well studies using haptic technology simulation systems were excluded. Only studies in the English language were considered for inclusion. Finally, no limits for study design were applied.

The citations retrieved from the above search (79) were inserted into the reference management software Endnote X7.4. The titles and abstracts were screened for relevance. The potentially relevant papers (33) were accessed and read in full text. The selection process of the included studies (16) and the reasons for exclusion are depicted in the PRISMA flowchart (Fig. 4).


Impact on Student Performance

From the 79 articles retrieved, 16 were deemed relevant and were included in this review. From these, five prospective experimental studies assessed the students’ performance in cavity preparation after additional training on the CVRS. The main characteristics and results of these studies can be found in Table2. Concerning the quality of tooth preparations, most of the studies found no significant differences between those who trained solely on conventional phantom heads versus those who had been exposed adjunctively to the CVRS.[2,13,15,16]

Conversely, Kikuchi et al [9] demonstrated that students using the CVRS units performed better quality crown preparations than those who did not. Similarly, when first-year dental students received 8 hours of adjunctive computerized dental simulation training, although they performed better early in the study, their clinical performance did not differ as assessed by the final practical examination.[12] As the retention and transferability of skill and knowledge are concerned, several studies found no significant differences in the final practical examination scores.[12,14,17] LeBlanc et al [2] did not identify any marked differences in the final examination scores but observed a more significant improvement between the first and final assessment scores for the CVRS group. In contrast, Maggio et al18,[19] suggested that the introduction of the CVRS in preclinical dental training resulted in a reduction in the course remediation rate and reduction of the course failure rates by more than a half.

Time Efficiency

In an experimental study at the University of Pennsylvania, the students who received CVRS training showed a higher efficiency in cavity preparations than the students who trained on the traditional phantom heads.[14] Namely, they prepared significantly more teeth per hour (3.8 vs. 1.6) and used more teeth (average of 11.71 vs. 6.57 for control, P = 0.02) during their practising session.[14] Similarly, training sessions with CVRS shortened the crown preparation time performed by fifth-year dental students at Tokyo Medical and Dental University.[9] Besides, virtual reality simulators seem to reduce the required instruction and supervision time by faculty members of staff.[14] Jasinevicius et al [15] demonstrated that students who were trained on conventional simulators received five times more instructional time from faculty than students who were trained on virtual reality ones. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the quality of the preparations despite the additional instructional time.

Student Learning Experience

Several studies have surveyed dental students about their preferences over conventional or virtual reality simulation. The CVRS training seems to be rated rather positively by the students. Most (87.3%) of first-year students at Tennessee Dental school working with CVRS found the experience to be “very interesting” or “interesting.” [11] Among the positive features of virtual reality simulators, as perceived by dental students, were the positive impact on improving their manual and motor skills,[14] the increased speed and number of preparations,[10,14] the access to feedback,[16] the ability for the student to monitor their own work without involvement of a supervisor,[10,16] the preparation for assessment, the consistency of evaluation,[13,16] and the allowance for self-paced learning.[10,16] Students criticized the CVRS for excessive feedback, lack of personal contact, and technical difficulties with hardware.[13,16] In addition, students agreed that virtual reality simulators could not fully replace the conventional phantom heads, and the combination of the two is the most preferable and effective way of learning.[13,16] On the other hand, students found that the feedback and supervision by faculty facilitators can be inconsistent, and supervisors can be too busy, but it increases their confidence in cavity preparations.[13,16]


As far as quality and effectiveness of instruction and feedback is concerned, several studies have suggested that the virtual reality simulator could not be accepted as the sole form of feedback and evaluation the students should be exposed to. Namely, Urbankova [12] concluded that CVRS-augmented feedback cannot replace human instruction. Quin et al [13,16] suggested that CVRS is not appropriate as a sole method of feedback and evaluation for novice dental students. This statement agrees with a later study in which sole CVRS feedback was not found beneficial, as the retention and transfer test scores between students who used CVRS versus conventional phantom heads did not differ significantly. [17] By the same token, Wierinck et al [7] have suggested that alternating virtual reality with human instruction and feedback can result in positive learning outcomes.


The role of simulation has been recognized as an important aspect of training in healthcare, which supports and improves patient safety. [20] Technology-enhanced simulation, including virtual reality training, has been associated with positive outcomes for healthcare trainee’s knowledge and skills. [21]

The use of virtual reality simulators for the training of novice surgical trainees has been supported by a number of systematic reviews.[22–26] In laparoscopic surgery, it has been shown to result in a significant reduction in operating time and procedural errors while improving the trainees’ performance scores.[23,24] Besides, two recent systematic reviews by the Cochrane Collaboration, in the fields of endoscopy and ear, nose, and throat surgery, suggested that virtual reality simulation can be used to supplement traditional surgical training for medical students and surgical trainees with little or no surgical experience.[25,26] Nonetheless, the authors concluded that virtual reality training allows trainees to develop technical skills at least as good as those achieved through conventional training.[25]

Similarly, adjunctive training on the dental CVRS has the potential to improve student’s clinical performance and enhance their practical examination scores.[9,12,13,17] The augmented feedback through visual cues can facilitate proper eye-hand coordination and reduce the number of procedural errors.[12] Confronting the students with their own errors as they are made allows them to visually inspect their work compared with an ideal model [16,17] and instantaneously rectify it, which can potentially increase learning efficiency and skill development.[12] Noteworthily, although students seemed to perform better early after the CVRS training, their clinical performance in final examinations did not differ from that of the students who trained solely on traditional phantomhead units.[12,14,17] The fact that the amount of transfer from one task onto another depends on the similarity of the neural processing demands, underlying motor execution, may offer an explanation.[17] Besides, the transferability of skills from one context to another is not an uncommon finding in healthcare simulation. Namely, studies in the fields of bronchoscopy, endoscopy, and laparoscopic surgery have shown that skills acquired using virtual-reality simulation will transfer to the operating room. [27–29]

Nonetheless, with the expansion of the dental curricular content, the effective use of student’s time has become an increasing necessity. [16] The CVRS training has shown to improve students’ efficiency in teeth preparations [9,14] and reduce the required time for faculty instruction and supervision.[15] Hence, the faculty instructors’ time can be used in teaching the students crucial nonprocedural skills such as patient management, ethics, and teamwork. Sharing their expertise and experiences in the transition of a student from novice to clinician remains critical. [7,12]

The unsuitability of the use of CVRS feedback as the sole method of feedback and evaluation for novice students is a consistent criticism among the included studies.[7,13,16,17] Although CVRS seem to be a reliable method for monitoring technical progress, addressing the issue of lack of reproducibility among assessors[13]; they cannot be used as a substitute for expert feedback. It has been suggested that the extensively detailed and sometimes complex computer feedback can be discouraging and overwhelming, especially for the inexperienced students.[15,17] Appropriate faculty input will reinforce learned theoretical concepts and will provide the students with insight into the weaknesses of their performance.[2,16] Contextual learning will enable the students to achieve a deeper understanding of theoretical concepts and the impact of any procedural errors (eg, the biological, clinical, and medicolegal implications of damaging an adjacent tooth or unnecessarily preparing a rather deep cavity).

In a modern preclinical environment, students will reflect on the feedback received by the simulator, the facilitator, or both. The CVRS can provide the student with continuous (100%) augmented feedback or they can be set to provide feedback less frequently or none at all. In traditional phantom head preclinical courses, the supervisors offer feedback at the end of critical parts of the procedure and the end of the task. Usually, the ratio of supervisors to students does not permit every student to receive constant feedback and instruction during the dental procedure. According to Wierinck et al,

[7] continuous (100%) CVRS feedback during the task did not offer any additional benefit over intermittent (66% of the time) feedback. Nonetheless, a recent meta-analysis suggested that terminal feedback seems more effective than concurrent feedback for novice learners’ skill retention.[30] The mechanism by which feedback may be operating is in line with the guidance hypothesis[31] and, to some extent, the cognitive load theory.[32]

The guidance hypothesis suggests that constant feedback from an instructor during each practice attempt (concurrent feedback) may lead to an overreliance on the feedback such that when feedback is withdrawn, the learner’s performance declines.[30,31] Reduced frequency of instruction may, therefore, enhance motor skill learning and detection of errors.[33] According to the cognitive load theory, feedback provided during a procedural skills session could influence cognitive load, either increasing it by providing “information overload” or decreasing it by structuring the task so that it is better understood.[30,32] Thus, it is plausible that continuous feedback may cognitively overload the learner and hinder their learning.[30]

The included studies assessed the suitability and effectiveness of the CVRS units as an adjunctive training tool for novice dental students. These units can also act as a valid and reliable screening device to capture expert performance. [8] Wierinck et al [8] suggested that the DentSim unit can distinguish different levels of excellence in performance (expert vs. novice). On that ground, CVRS may be used in other areas such as continuing dental education, continued competency of practitioners, clinical board examinations, and remediation of impaired practitioners. [6] Future research will be needed to explore the feasibility of CVRS in these areas. Furthermore, evidence for the long-term effect of CVRS training on the students’ clinical performance and competence as well as data regarding the cost-effectiveness of these devices is currently lacking. Future studies should conform to the extended CONSORT and STROBE reporting guidelines for healthcare simulation research,[20] to ensure complete reporting and transparency in the research conduct.[20,34]


The existing body of evidence suggests that combining and alternating the traditional and pioneering simulation methods and feedback may be of benefit to the learners. However, there is insufficient evidence to advise for or against the use of computerized virtual reality simulators as a replacement of the traditional phantom heads and human instruction. Virtual reality simulation may enable a better understanding among learners in a more diverse learning environment and augment rather than replace existing teaching methods that work well such as faculty instruction and feedback. Incorporating such a technology in the dental curriculum can add a substantial expense nevertheless to a dental faculty’s budget. Well-designed and adequately powered long-term prospective studies exploring matters of student performance, learning outcomes, and cost-effectiveness are warranted.


The author thanks the reviewers for their thoughtful comments that substantially improved the quality of this review. In addition, the author thanks Mr. Lloyd Russell (Digital marketing, Plymouth University, England, UK) for kindly offering the images appearing in Figures 1 and 2 and Professor Els Wierinck (KU Leuven – Department of Oral Health Sciences, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium) for offering the DentSim images appearing in Figure 3. The author is a National Institute for Health Research–funded Academic Clinical Fellow at Peninsula Dental School (Plymouth University).


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Real-time in situ three-dimensional integral videography and surgical navigation using augmented reality: a pilot study

International Journal of Oral Science (2013) 5, 98–102; doi:10.1038/ijos.2013.26; published online 24 May 2013

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative Works 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://

To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of a three-dimensional augmented reality system incorporating integral videography for imaging oral and maxillofacial regions, based on preoperative computed tomography data. Three-dimensional surface models of the jawbones, based on the computed tomography data, were used to create the integral videography images of a subject’s maxillofacial area. The three-dimensional augmented reality system (integral videography display, computed tomography, a position tracker and a computer) was used to generate a three-dimensional overlay that was projected on the surgical site via a half-silvered mirror. Thereafter, a feasibility study was performed on a volunteer. The accuracy of this system was verified on a solid model while simulating bone resection. Positional registration was attained by identifying and tracking the patient/surgical instrument’s position. Thus, integral videography images of jawbones, teeth and the surgical tool were superimposed in the correct position. Stereoscopic images viewed from various angles were accurately displayed. Change in the viewing angle did not negatively affect the surgeon’s ability to simultaneously observe the three-dimensional images and the patient, without special glasses. The difference in three-dimensional position of each measuring point on the solid model and augmented reality navigation was almost negligible (,1 mm); this indicates that the system was highly accurate. This augmented reality system was highly accurate and effective for surgical navigation and for overlaying a three-dimensional computed tomography image on a patient’s surgical area, enabling the surgeon to understand the positional relationship between the preoperative image and the actual surgical site, with the naked eye.

Keywords: augmented reality; computed tomography; integral videography; three-dimensional image.


In oro-maxillofacial surgeries, the complexity of the involved anatomical structures often hampers direct visualization of the surgical site. Therefore, it is important to correctly grasp steric positional relations, such as the osteotomy line or the mandibular canal, while performing surgical procedures. Although most surgeons have precise knowledge of the underlying tissues, a better understanding of the three-dimensional (3D) relationships between these internal structures would greatly facilitate surgical procedures. Efforts in this direction have resulted in the advent of various techniques and instruments that enable direct visualization and manipulation of the surgical site, such as a conventional navigation system.1–2 However, a disadvantage of such systems is that the images obtained are two-dimensional, and therefore, necessitate constant comparisons between the surgical field and the displayed image, and consequently, frequent hand-eye transformations.3 The two-dimensional information gathered is thus indirectly recognized and understood, resulting in a potentially large gap between the actual

patient morphology and its interpretation through the imaging system. With 3D models too, smaller surface details might be smoothened away and information may be lost. Additionally, fixed planes of whatever orientation are no longer considered state-of-the-art 3D image analysis. Therefore, it is imperative that full access to the volume dataset itself is provided to the person and planes are interactively reconstructed per optimal visualization needs.

 Innovative imaging technology in the form of augmented reality (AR) technique, wherein the virtual and real scenes are merged into one environment, has been recently introduced to help oral surgeons visualize sites that cannot be directly observed. AR systems can provide navigated support whereby interpreted information from preoperative data can be superimposed on the surgical site in order to enhance the perception of the physical environment. Therefore, alternate viewing of the displayed image and the actual surgical area is no longer required, as both fields can be simultaneously observed. Furthermore, in situ visualization, which is possible with these systems, is advantageous as it is intuitive and improves the speed of execution of procedures.

This study examines the possible application of the novel AR technique in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The algorithms and conditions required for 3D virtual representation of the surgical area have been defined by previous research, in which integral videographic (IV) images of only the mandibular component were included.3 However, this is the first study in which dentomaxillofacial 3D computed tomography (CT) data (both maxillary and mandibular jaws along with teeth (crown and root apices)) generated by a 3D IV image display system were superimposed on a human volunteer. In addition, the study evaluated if real-time in situ AR allowed accurate display of the stereoscopic images of the maxilla, mandible and teeth, even when viewed from different angles. Furthermore, a solid model was used to test the accuracy of this system by simulating tasks such as bone resection.


Configuration of the AR system

The configuration of the AR system is shown in Figure 1. The IV image display, which has been developed at The University of Tokyo and previously described,[6–8] consists of a high-density rear liquid crystal display and microarray glass. By creating a lens array fixed to the display surface, non-distorted 3D images can be displayed.

The specifications of the IV image display system are as follows: a Pentium Core 2 Duo, 2.4-GHz processor; a NVIDIA Quadro Plex model 4 (Quadro FX 560032) graphics processing unit (GPU); a 6.5-inch, 1 0243768 pixel display (pixel pitch50.125 mm); and a fly’s eye lens array. The pixels on the display were computed such that the light rays generated by the pixels and the microarray lenses could accurately reconstruct 3D objects in real space, allowing the operator to observe the 3D IV image with the naked eye. The IV image was generated as shown in previous studies.[6–8]

Generation of 3D IV images from preoperative CT data

Briefly, the IV image of the 3D CT was constructed as an assembly of reconstructed light sources (Figure 2). No special glasses were required for viewing the IV image display, and motion parallax could be reproduced in all directions. The system was able to render IV images at a rate of 5 frames per second.

Feasibility study on a volunteer

This feasibility study of the AR system, performed on a volunteer, was conducted in accordance with the Good Clinical Practice guidelines and the Declaration of Helsinki, and the study protocol was approved by the medical ethics committee of the Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. Informed consent was obtained from the volunteer before study initiation. X-ray CT diagnostic equipment

(Aquilion ONE; Toshiba, Tokyo, Japan) was used to acquire CT scans (slice thickness: 0.5 mm) of the orofacial region of the volunteer. Based on the obtained CT data, 3D surface models of the upper and lower jaw bones of the volunteer were constituted using the medical image processing software (Mimics; Materialise, Leuven, Belgium). In addition to these models, the function of medical image processing open source software (3D Slicer; was extended, and the GPU was set to an algorithm to produce IV images and perform real-time superimposition of the 3D image on the upper and lower jaw bones. The time required for preparing the 3D models within Mimics and/or Slicer was 5–10 min.

Registration and patient tracking. A 3D coordinate system is a prerequisite for image-guided surgeries.1 To integrate the coordinate systems between the subject and IV images, the Polaris Spectra optical tracking system (Northern Digital Inc., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) was used. This system measured the position and direction of the subject’s movements in real time. The tracking marker was noninvasively attached to the subject’s tooth by using a dental splint (Figure 1a). The coordinate system of the IV images was obtained by measuring the position of the characteristics of these images in space. Similarly, the coordinates of the subject and those of the image were correlated by measuring the coordinate system of patient characteristics. By attaching an infrared reflective ball to the teeth and by measuring the 3D position of the infrared ball, the subject’s movements could be followed; thus, superimposition of stereoscopic images on the appropriate physical area was enabled in real time.

Instrument calibration. The tracking marker frames were designed to meet the following conditions:

  1. preserving the geometric uniqueness of the markers;
  2. ensuring that the surgical operations were not disturbed.

This system required calibration using point registration for the instruments. In order to measure the tracking marker position from the optical tracking system, the calibration was performed by careful pivot motion. Since the tracking marker frames can be rigidly mounted onto the body of the surgical instruments, the calibration needs to be performed less frequently (e.g., once every few months), which can be predetermined.

Real-time surgical navigation using AR

Using the same AR assembly, superimposed 3D images of the surgical instrument (SUCCESS-40MV; OSADA, Tokyo, Japan) in real time were displayed. The accuracy of the system when used in a clinical case was evaluated by performing the drilling task on a solid model imitating a bone surface. The solid model was a plastic block of size 90 mm340 mm310 mm. To integrate the coordinate systems between the object and IV images, the Polaris Spectra optical tracking system was used. However, in this case, the tracking marker was attached to the surgical instrument (Figure 1b). The coordinate system of the IV images was obtained by measuring the position of the characteristics of these images in space. While performing the feasibility study in the volunteer, by attaching an infrared reflective ball to the teeth and by measuring the 3D position of the infrared ball, the surgical instrument’s movements could be followed. Three infrared balls were mounted to the splint to track patient movements. In order to register the position of the solid model, instead of using an external marker frame, a landmark-based transformation was performed on the model. A surgical path, defined by a point of insertion and a direction, was pre-determined and its 3D IV image was overlaid onto the surgical scene. This surgical path works as the navigation tool that can inform surgeons of the direction in which drilling should be initiated. Additionally, to help the surgeon perform precise movements, two parameters were added to the navigation screen. The first parameter was the Euclidean distance from the tip of the Lindemann drill (Stryker Corporation, Kalamazoo, MI, USA) to the surgical path (in mm), and the second was the angle between the tool’s main axis and the surgical path. When the instrument was correctly aligned to the surgical path, the color of the instrument automatically changed to alert the surgeon that it was safe to proceed. The surgeon could then initiate the task. The simulation ended when the drill reached the target point on the other side of the model. By measuring the position of the drill holes on both sides, it was possible to compute the positional and angular errors during the simulated surgery. Another similar surgical navigation trial was performed using a surgical instrument that included a reciprocating saw (Stryker Corporation, Kalamazoo, MI, USA). The videos documenting all procedures (on the volunteer as well as those on the solid model) were filmed using an EOS Kiss X4 digital camera (Olympus Optical Co., Tokyo, Japan).


Positional registration was attained by identifying and tracking the subject’s position, and the IV images of the maxillary and mandibular bones and teeth could be superimposed in the correct position. In this system, the surgeon could view the internal structures in the 3D format, the data for which were initially obtained from the preoperative CT data and superimposed onto the actual subject’s anatomy through a half-silvered mirror. Supplementary Movies 1–3 show the surgical sites, as viewed by the surgeon. The movies demonstrate that by using the AR technique, stereoscopy is possible from every position and that the stereoscopic images are accurately displayed across different viewing angles. Supplementary Movie 3 demonstrates that this novel technique can also appropriately detect the subject’s movements. Since the IV images were updated at the speed of 5 frames per second, the stereoscopic images can be considered to be updated in real time. Furthermore, it was observed that change in the viewing angle, laterally or vertically, did not negatively affect the surgeon’s ability to observe the 3D images and visualize the subject, and allowed the surgeon to observe images as if the target areas were being viewed in real space, without special glasses.

Positional registration was also attained by identifying and tracking the position of the surgical instrument, and its IV images were superimposed appropriately. Supplementary Movies 4 and 5 show IV images of surgical navigation using the Lindemann drill and reciprocating saw, respectively. Accuracy of the system is indicated by the positional error (in mm) and angular error (*) displayed at the bottom of the screen. The positional error, using the Lindemann drill, ranged from 0.45–1.34 mm (average 0.77; standard deviations 0.19), whereas the angular error was 26. Similarly, in the trial using the reciprocating saw, the positional error ranged from 0.02–1.26 mm (average 0.68; standard deviations 0.26), and the angular error was 2*–4* (average 3.13; standard deviations 0.65), while the saw was cutting through the solid model. Since these values are negligible, this AR system can be considered as highly accurate. Additionally, the direction of movement of the surgical instruments was also correctly depicted in this study.


The use of image guidance in oral and maxillofacial surgery has offered better patient outcomes.2 The present study evaluated the application of a 3D imaging AR display system, incorporating IV, in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The IV technique displays 3D images, without requiring the user to wear special glasses, irrespective of the viewing position. Thus, it enables observation of stereoscopic images as if the objects were being viewed in real space. Although conventional imageguided surgery provides a 3D view of the patient’s anatomy, it is difficult to accurately correlate the displayed image to the surgical field.2 The AR display system transparently displays the 3D image directly on the surgical site, and the GPU-based rendering algorithm enables real-time tracking of patient’s movements, making it possible to update the 3D images in real time during an operation. The prime advantage of AR is that the surgeon does not need to alternate his/her attention between the surgical site and monitor, as is required in other systems, thus allowing for better focus, improved hand-eye coordination, and faster execution of surgical procedures. Liao et al.6 showed that the real-time IV algorithm for calculating 3D images of surgical instruments is as effective as that for both surgical instruments and organs in representing the real-time location during a surgery. The present study demonstrated the real time use of AR technology in surgical navigation as well as to generate IV images. Since the 3D image is superimposed in real space, it is possible to immediately recognize a discrepancy between the image and the actual patient appearance. Results from a previous study show that these positional errors were in the range of 2–3 mm,[6] but a recent study showed that use of the AR technique, as described in this paper, could decrease the mean positional errors to 0.7 mm.3 The positional error and angular error calculated in this study were 0.77 mm and 0.686, respectively, which is almost negligible. Thus, the technique demonstrated in this paper can be considered as highly accurate. This could be attributed to the fact that the Liao et al.’s6 study used a computer with specifications that were as follows: CPU, 800-MHz dual Pentium III processor with 1 GB memory; Windows 2000 Operating System; and old IV display (lens pitch, 2.32 mm; pixel pitch, 0.125 mm; and display size, 1 0243768 pixels). The system was then upgraded to Pentium Core 2 Duo and 2.4 GHz; GPU, NVIDIA Quadro Plex 1000 Model 4 with 4 GB memory; Linux Fedora Operating System; and new IV display (lens pitch, 1.0 mm30.8 mm; pixel pitch, 0.125 mm; and display size, 1 0243768 pixels) in the study by Tran et al.3 The same upgraded system was used in the present study. Modern navigation systems reference patient anatomy and obtain

data sets, mainly from skin surface scanning by using laser or by using anatomic landmarks or fiducial markers. A previous study used splints attached to the lower jaw, with titanium screws mounted on them to serve as fiducial markers for the registration process,9 whereas another study used two splints to fix the mandible to the viscerocranium—one each in the open and closed position.[10] Although the mobile nature of the mandible is known to generally pose problems for its intraoperative synchronization with preacquired imaging data,1 the IV images obtained with the AR technique in the present study were an exact reproduction of the patient’s internal structures.

Additionally, with the use of the novel AR technology, the position of the reflected IV image does not change even if the observer moves the eyes (i.e., changes the viewing angle). Furthermore, the IV image provides depth perception and allows multiple viewers to have different perspectives while observing from different directions. Results from previous studies using the AR technique for intraoperative navigation have shown its effectiveness, accuracy and feasibility in interstitial brachytherapy11 and maxillofacial surgeries.12 However, these studies employed projection of the image in real space, using a two-dimensional display projector and a 3D display by binocular stereopsis, which were set ups different from the one used in the present study. Other studies used a completely different approach to AR—some used a stereo video see-through head-mounted display as an individual navigation device,5,13 whereas others used the binocular stereopsis technology, whereby the observed video does not change in accordance with the change in viewing position, and thus, allows the surgeon to only determine relative depth.5,11–13 Without motion parallax, accurate 3D positioning cannot be reproduced. The IV technique, on the other hand, is based on a different principle than binocular stereopsis, and allows for both binocular parallax, a major component of depth perception, and motion parallax, where depth cues result from the motion of the observer. The new IV technology described in this paper allows the surgeon to determine exact 3D positional relationships by using both binocular parallax and motion parallax without the need for special viewing apparatus; this is not possible with conventional binocular stereopsis technology.

The present study evaluated the application of a 3D image AR display system in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The results showed that a surgical site that cannot be observed directly could be visualized with correct steric positioning; thus, this AR system can be extremely beneficial while performing surgeries and can be a huge asset in the fields of dentistry and oral and craniomaxillofacial surgery. This system can be used to track 3D movements and 3D positions of blood vessels, nerves, tumors, cysts and impacted teeth intraoperatively. In orthodontics, this system can be used to visualize the 3D position and orientation of teeth at the time of correction. In conservative dentistry, the AR system may help determine the 3D location and relationship between an apical lesion and the root canal or the condition of a root canal. In dental implantology, this technology would be particularly useful for preventing damage to the underlying nerves and cortical plate perforations during implant placement.

The novel AR technology provides a complete 3D output and would therefore add to the precision and confidence of the surgeon. Using this system, the movement of the surgeon’s head does not require the image to be adapted and updated for the altered perspective, which is an advantage compared to other systems. Future research based on this study will focus on improving some of the technical aspects with regard to the accuracy and tracking system, such as a high-definition back display or lens array for the densification of pixels in the AR display to achieve high levels of precision and geometrical accuracy, which is important because the system provides a 3D image containing accurate spatial information. Further, the intended next step is to initiate clinical trials of this technology in patients to assess a multitude of applications of this technique.


In conclusion, this study presents an accurate AR system for use in oral and maxillofacial dentistry that provides a real-time, in situ, stereoscopic visualization of 3D-CT IV images overlaid onto the surgical site with the naked eye.


This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (22659366) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. Medical writing services were provided by Cactus Communications. The authors retained full control of manuscript content.


1 Casap N, Wexler A, Elisha R. Computerized navigation for surgery of the lower jaw: comparison of 2 navigation systems. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008; 66(7): 1467– 1475.

 2 Nijmeh AD, Goodger NM, Hawkes D et al. Image-guided navigation in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005; 43(4): 294–302.

3 Tran HH, Suenaga H, Kuwana K et al. Augmented reality system for oral surgery using 3D auto stereoscopic visualization. Med Image Comput Assist Interv 2011; 14(Pt 1): 81–88.

4 Lubbers HT, Matthews F, Damerau G et al. No plane is the best one-the volume is! Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 113(3): 421.

5 Traub J, Sielhorst T, Heining SM et al. Advanced display and visualization concepts for image guided surgery. J Display Technol 2008; 4(4): 483–490.

6 Liao H, Hata N, Nakajima S et al. Surgical navigation by autostereoscopic image overlay of integral videography. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed 2004; 8(2): 114–121.

7 Liao H, Inomata T, Sakuma I et al. 3-D augmented reality for MRI-guided surgery using integral videography autostereoscopic image overlay. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2010; 7(6): 1476–1486.

8 Tran HH, Matsumiya K, Masamune K et al. Interactive 3-D navigation system for image-guided surgery. Int J Virtual Real 2009; 8(1): 9–16.

9 Lubbers HT, Obwegeser JA, Matthews F et al. A simple and flexible concept for computer-navigated surgery of the mandible. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011; 69(3): 924–930.

10 Bettschart C, Kruse A, Matthews F et al. Point-to-point registration with mandibulomaxillary splint in open and closed jaw position. Evaluation of registration accuracy for computer-aided surgery of the mandible. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2011; 40(7): 592– 598.

11 Krempien R, Hoppe H, Kahrs L et al. Projector-based augmented reality for intuitive intraoperative guidance in image-guided 3D interstitial brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008; 70(3): 944–952.

12 Marmulla R, Hoppe H, Muhling J et al. An augmented reality system for image-guided surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005; 34(6): 594–596.

13 Rolland JP, Fuchs H. Optical versus video see-through head-mounted displays in medical visualization. Presence 2000; 9(3): 287–309.

Augmented Reality Innovation in Prosthodontics and Smile Design

Received: October 28, 2021; Published: November 26, 2021


Prosthetic dentistry is one of the dental branches that has evolved remarkably, taking advantage of the latest digital innovations. Augmented reality (AR) is one of the digital technology advances that superimpose virtual and real objects in the surrounding environment. AR uses displays, input devices, tracking devices, and a computer. In dentistry, AR was initially used in education to provide an immersive experience while learning virtually. In prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants, AR enabled the visualization of the digital images and preoperative planning data superimposed on the surgical field, which assisted accurate implant positioning and drilling on the correct spatial position. Implant placement accuracy significantly improved, and operation time was significantly reduced. However, specific software applications should be further upgraded to optimize the results. In aesthetic smile design, AR provides the patients with a preview of their makeover during their discussion appointment and saves the dentist time that was consumed by multiple photographs capturing and the mock-ups creation. Mobile applications are being developed to simplify the design procedure, enhance patient integration, and facilitate communication with laboratory partners.

Keywords: Augmented Reality; Prosthodontics; Implantology; Dynamic Navigation; Smile Design

Abbreviations 2D: Two Dimensional; 3D: Three Dimensional; AR: Augmented Reality; CBCT: Cone Beam Computerized Tomography; CAD: Computer-Aided Design; CAM: Computer-Aided Manufacture; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging


Prosthetic dentistry is one of the dental branches that has evolved remarkably over the last decades taking advantage of the digital innovations and technological advancements in diagnosis, treatment planning, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing of prosthetic appliances, and delivery of advanced treatment. Augmented reality (AR) is an enhanced version of virtual reality created using digital technology to superimpose virtual and real objects in a single realistic environment on an operator’s view of the real world, hence creating a computer-generated working scenario to enhance the sensory perception by interacting with it [1].

AR technology consists of devices including displays that are either head-mounted, handheld, or spatial displays, input devices, tracking devices, and a computer. Recently, AR systems utilized contact lenses and virtual retina displays to show scanned images directly onto the viewer’s eyes’ retina. While tracking devices involved digital cameras and similar optical sensors, accelerometers, solid-state compasses, global positioning systems [GPS], and wireless sensors [2]. The superimposed virtual objects are usually obtained from 3-dimensional computed tomographic dental scans, MRI, angiography, or other 3-D data [3]. In dentistry, AR was initially used in education in contribution with haptic feedback that introduced the perception of force sensation. It was possible to have an immersive experience while learning in a virtual environment. AR enhanced education outcomes supported patient safety and objectively evaluated students, and gave them direct feedback [4]. The scope of indications of AR has expanded to incorporate radiology, orthodontic bracket positioning, prosthetics augmentation, management of dental phobia, endodontic surgery, and oral and maxillofacial surgery [2].

AR and prosthodontics

In prosthetic rehabilitation of missing, badly destructed, and aesthetically unaccepted teeth, most patients are particularly concerned about the results of the lengthy treatment procedures and their fears driven from their ignorance of the anticipated results that might not meet their expectations. The introduction of AR, which allows the dentist and the patient to inspect a superimposed digital visualization of the treatment outcome, would import patient satisfaction and trust to proceed with the costly treatment process. Thus, AR has the potential to simplify prosthetic treatment to meet patients’ expectations. In addition to facilitating communication of the practitioner with the dental laboratory technician responsible for translating the operator’s plans into realism. This article aims to provide an overview of the application of AR in the dental discipline of prosthodontics.

AR in implant-prosthetic rehabilitation

AR enabled the visualization of digital images and preoperative planning data to assist in accurately positioning of the dental implants and drilling on the correct spatial position. AR is especially significant regarding the oral and maxillofacial region, where the peculiar anatomical complexity of the region has always complicated the surgical position of dental implants [5]. Surgical navigation implicates knowing proper anatomical orientation and the prediction of implant position in bone before starting the incision. AR systems project the patient’s data and pictures as retrieved from computed tomography, MRI, anatomic models, and intraoperative pictures directly on the surgical site. AR has been shown to improve dental implant positioning when a graphically superimposed suggested position is used on the patient during implant placement [3]. AR implant surgical navigation was presented using retinal imaging rather than monitor display to avoid looking away from the oral surgical field during the operation. Furthermore, AR systems were improved to act as an automatic information filter that selectively displays only the surgeons’ most relevant information [1]

In prosthetic rehabilitation with dental implants, the focus of AR technology was to achieve a more visible surgical field during the operation, which was brought using specific glasses and an integrated screen. AR allowed the surgeon to visualize, in real-time, patient parameters, relevant x-rays, 3D reconstruction, or a navigation system screen [6].

Many studies have been done to illustrate the efficiency of AR in dental implant surgical planning. A study done by Lin., et al. used the stereoscopic visualization concept combined with head mounted AR displays, revealed that implant placement accuracy, as measured by the deviation between the planned and the prepared positions of the implants, significantly improved by combined integration of the surgical template and AR technology [7]. Jiang., et al. attempted placing dental implants in edentulous mandibular models using 3D AR-guided implant navigation. The postoperative results showed better accuracy, higher efficiency, and shorter time for the 3D AR navigation than the traditional 2D image navigation method [8]. The accuracy of dynamic implant navigation using AR HoloLens was presented by Pellegrino., et al. The position of the implants was virtually planned. It contributed to a dynamic navigation system in addition to a computer-aided/image-guided procedure. The HoloLens enabled the visualization of 2D/3D data and permitted device-control via voice commands or simple gestures, which helped the practitioner to visualize the system data, information, targets, and positions by placing a virtual desktop near the patient’s face without being forced to look away from the patient’s mouth. The study appraised AR as a valuable tool in reducing operation time and accurate implant positioning, although it recommended that specific software applications be further upgraded to optimize the results [6]. In another study, AR navigation with accurate CBCT-patient registration for dental implant placement demonstrated acceptable implant accuracy, intraoperative time, and resolution of the hand eye coordination problem [9].

AR and aesthetic smile design

In dentistry, smile reconstruction has been achieved using lengthy and detailed methodologies. A pre-visualization was achieved utilizing a conventional laboratory-made wax-up and intraoral mock-up, in the form of a two-dimensional smile design by overlapping idealized teeth forms onto a picture of the patient. Protocols were proposed using only a set of photographs and presentation software to offer a predictive view of the patient’s future smile and to transfer treatment plan to the dental laboratory technician. Nevertheless, these protocols were hindered by the two dimensional presentation and were only partially immersive for the patients [10]. AR provides the patients with a preview of their aesthetic smile makeover at no obligation during their discussion appointment and saves the dentist time consumed by capturing multiple photographs or creating mock-ups. In attempts to improve patient experience and patient-practitioner communication, recent technological evolutions were proposed.

Mobile applications were suggested to ease the process of pre-visualization of the future patient smile by simply looking at the mobile camera; consequently, explaining complex treatment options was easier. Observing a virtual mirror helped the patient to decide whether to invest in the detailed, cost-intensive, and time-consuming planning of the cosmetic treatment or not. The remarkable before-and-after images and the possibility of viewing oneself with the new restorations in a virtual mirror is an enthusing experience for the patients. The app facilitates communication with the laboratory partners [10]. AVRspot [Smart Tek Solutions and Services LLC] proposed a face landmark recognition tool in a mobile app that identifies the patient’s smile in an image and substitutes it on other smiles to determine the best fit.

The app provides the users with tooth size and shape adjusting tools to match their desired smile [11]. Another contribution by Ivoclar Vivadent is the IvoSmile application available since 2019 and is compatible with Apple iPad, iPhone, and iOS 12 or higher. It provides patients with an image of their smile in a few minutes [12]. Touati., et al. examined the user-experience of smile design using facial recognition and two AR strategies. In his study, the IvoSmile app [IvoSmile®/Kapanu, Ivoclar-Vivadent] used the camera inte[1]grated into a tablet to recognize the patient’s face. After determining virtual facial and oral landmarks, a second software proposed an artificial layer of smile suggestions that was superimposed on the patient’s smile.

The patient was given the full opportunity to explore possibilities of his smile reconstruction, and accordingly, AR technology and the mobile app integrated the patient into the decision-making process for reconstruction of the aesthetic zone [10] his process was further uplifted with a new tool called “CAD link”, which directly matched the final AR proposal with a digital impression to create a digital wax-up [13]. Merchand., et al. presented this novel digital workflow combining AR and CAD/CAM technologies in a case report to illustrate the opportunity of AR in daily dental practice. Using the ‘CAD-link’ workflow combined with the AR software and the CAD software, the maxillary anterior reconstructions were planned precisely according to the previously developed design proposal of the AR software approved by the patient. The CAD-link was used to design a wax-up mock, which was fabricated using CAM technology. After the patient approved the mock-up, it was used to prepare a silicone index to guide the minimally invasive planned preparation [14].

Future innovations

AR‑based artificial intelligence contributes novel inputs in prosthodontics. Robotic systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence can shape the future of dentistry through the ability to deal with and process massive data. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with building intelligent software or machines capable of running different errands that demand human intelligence. Artificial intelligence has been reported promising in maxillofacial surgery, robotic education, tooth preparation for crowns and bridges, testing tooth brushing, root canal treatment, plaque removal, orthodontics and jaw movements, material testing, tooth arrangement for complete dentures, image radiography, and robot assistance. Robotic assistance may also be help support the dental technician [3]. The dental robots are thought to be utilized sooner to manufacture removable partial dental replacement, complete dental replacement, and implant prosthesis. However, the innovation is expensive and requires attention to the techniques’ inherent complexity and hardware.


AR presented novel innovations in dentistry and, prosthetic rehabilitation. The significant advantage of AR in prosthetic rehabilitation is accuracy, saving working time, better communication with the patient and the laboratory technician as it accomplishes the tasks with minimum human fatigue. AR reality showed significant success in dynamic implant navigation. It is a promising technology in smile design that allows pre-visualization of the treatment and active patient engagement in decision making. Nevertheless, still more advancements are required in the quality of image construction, flexibility of the software, and ease of integration in the daily dental office. ore evolution is required for three‐dimensional conception, video analysis, functional movement evaluation, and prosthesis design. The cost of the systems is expensive, and few aspects of understanding and conversions to clinical practice are challenging and require extensive research and development.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares the absence of any financial interest or any conflict of interest.


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